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Community Organizations Solutions Journalism Network
Solutions Journalism Network
Solutions Journalism Network
Publishing Company


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Our mission is to transform journalism so that all people have access to news that helps them envision and build a more equitable and sustainable world.

We believe that journalism needs a major disruption. Around the globe, societies are reeling from inequality, conflict, racism, political dysfunction and environmental crises. At the same time, journalism is facing its own crises of trust, relevance and sustainability. People routinely turn away from the news, saying it leaves them feeling powerless, hopeless and fearful.

But this moment of crisis and disengagement is also an opportunity to reimagine the news and change its trajectory. Regardless of their politics or beliefs, people yearn to know what can be done to solve and mitigate the problems that affect their lives and the future of their communities. Many news organizations are eager to win back the public’s trust by reporting in ways that can counter cynicism, polarization and despair.

Since 2013, we have been leading a change in the news — helping journalists report as rigorously on responses to problems as they do on the problems themselves. This approach heightens accountability by showing where and how people are doing better against a problem. It offers a more comprehensive and equitable view of the world. And it circulates timely knowledge that drives change.

More than 500 news organizations and 20,000 journalists worldwide have worked with us and inspired one another to integrate solutions journalism into their reporting. Research shows that, across all demographics, audiences find solutions stories more interesting, trustworthy and informative, changing their understanding of issues in a way that makes them more enthusiastic about participating in civic life.

In 2021, we embarked on an ambitious new strategy to advance a system-level change across the field of journalism. By 2025, working with a broad range of partners, we aim to engage at least 60,000 journalists, educators and allies and 1,500 news organizations in a movement to ensure that a majority of Americans (and large numbers of people outside the U.S.) have access to solutions journalism.

We invite you to join this movement: Bring solutions journalism into your work. Tell others about it. Provide financial support to accelerate its spread. Help make solutions reporting a regular part of the world’s news and social media diet so we can all see — and seize — the possibilities to create a better future.
