Resource information
In recent years, Ghana has witnessed increased interest from private companies in developing agricultural
investments. This trend is common to many lower/middle income countries. It has translated in a surge in
large-scale land acquisitions in many lower/middle income countries, including Ghana, but also in
agribusiness ventures that source produce from local farmers.
While much debate on agricultural investments has discussed risks and opportunities for host governments
and local communities in an aggregate way, it is critical to understand the distribution of the costs and
benefits created by an investment project on different groups of the rural population.
This report investigates the gender-differentiated implications of agricultural investments in Ghana and at
the policies and practices that shape outcomes for women and men. The report draws on a review of the
literature on agricultural investments in Ghana and analysis of the relevant policy frameworks, on the one
hand; and on fieldwork conducted in late 2011 and early 2012 to investigate the case of the Integrated
Tamale Food Company (ITFC), on the other.