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Community Organizations United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Agency


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.

UNEP work encompasses:

  • Assessing global, regional and national environmental conditions and trends
  • Developing international and national environmental instruments
  • Strengthening institutions for the wise management of the environment


"To provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations."



Displaying 91 - 95 of 106

Agtech for inclusion and sustainability: SP Ventures'Regional Fund (Agventures II)


Support the consolidation and scaling up of innovative Agtech early-stage companies (SMEs) that will develop technologies to offer productivity, market, and environmental solutions for the agricultural sector in Latin America especially to the Small and Medium Sized Farmers to generate environmental benefits related to climate change, land degradation, and chemicals and waste.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

?AgVentures II, as the first regional AgTech fund dedicated exclusively to Latin America, will capitalize on the proven experience and rich knowledge gathered by AgVentures I, which had a more specific geographic focus (Brazil and Argentina). As a regional vehicle, AgVentures is expected to have direct and indirect environmental, social and economic benefits for the region and its population. AgVentures’direct benefits include increased incomes, livelihoods, and productivity for vulnerable populations and executive positions for women in the region. Meanwhile, AgVentures will have even broader indirect effects by increasing employment opportunities and reducing the intensity of natural resource use. AgVentures primarily targets small and medium size farmers (SMSFs) both at the level of the farm and along agricultural value chains. It is estimated conservatively that about 55 to 73 thousand small and medium-sized farms (SMSFs) and 500 to 735 thousand people in vulnerable socioeconomic conditions in rural settings may benefit from the innovations introduced by startups financed by the Fund[1]. These AgTech innovations include recent advances in digital technologies (e.g. data analytics, big data, remote imagery and satellites, internet of things, artificial and augmented intelligence and blockchain), life sciences (e.g. advanced genomics, biotech) and automation (e.g. robotics, precise sensors). Agtech solutions have the potential to generate high impact to vulnerable rural populations and the environment both along the agricultural value chains, by introducing (low-carbon) solutions that enhance the access of SMSFs to markets, raise transparency and price conditions and, at the level of the farm, by improving livelihoods. The AgVentures II Fund also generates environmental benefits by investing in companies that help substitute and/or mitigate the use of harmful substances; and optimize food and equipment production and distribution, reducing natural resource consumption. The startups financed by the Fund will develop innovative solutions that decrease the intensity of use of natural resources in agricultural production (especially water, energy and land), enabling climate mitigation strategies in high carbon-intensive agriculture segments. Depending on the use of different technologies, companies invested by the Fund could also generate additional environmental/ climate benefits related to increasing climate resilience of SMSFs, including through water use conservation and optimization, and to reducing food waste. Additionally, SP Ventures has been a driving force of women entrepreneurship in agriculture. Having built a diverse portfolio, with 30% of women founders and 15% women founder CEOs (part of AgVentures I), the firm is a leader in this regard. For AgVentures II, SP Ventures is expected to continue applying a gender lens investment approach by identifying companies eligible for investment with more diverse teams, promoting the professional development of women in agtech and raising profiles of women entrepreneurs through widely disseminated media and events. As part of the result matrix agreed with the IDB Lab, the Fund aims to have, by the end of its Investment Period, 30% of its portfolio companies with at least one woman founder, co-founder or occupying C-level positions. Additionally, the Fund has 2 additional indicators related to beneficiaries/gender that once the Fund is in operations it would start reporting on a disaggregated basis by gender. These 2 indicators are: (a) number of people in rural areas estimated to benefit from Agtech solutions provided by portfolio companies (targets: by Year 4 = 84,000 people and by Year 10 = 735,000), and (b) Number of direct and indirect net jobs created by portfolio companies (targets: by Year 4 = 450 jobs, and by Year 10 = 1,050 jobs). Given the Fund’s investment focus, (the General Partner (also referred as Fund manager), has identified three main areas in which the technologies and/or companies part of the investment portfolio would have a direct or indirect environmental impact. Such areas are, but not limited to, the following: Chemicals and Waste § Reduced risks on human health and the environment through reducing and eliminating production, use and releases of Persistent Organic Pollutants and their waste; § Reduced risks on human health and the environment through sound management of chemicals and waste of global concern. Land Degradation § Improved provision of agro-ecosystem and forest ecosystem goods and services; § Mitigated/avoided greenhouse gas emissions and increased carbon sequestration in production landscapes; § Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in productive landscapes; Climate Change Mitigation § Mitigated GHG emissions; § Increased adoption of innovative technologies and management practices for GHG emission reduction and carbon sequestration; § Conservation and enhanced carbon stocks in agriculture, forest, and other land use; Additional Environmental Benefits In addition to the expected Global Environmental Benefits, described above, it is estimated that the Fund, as an AgTech investor, could have additional environmental benefits as indicated below. It is important to note that the project, adopting a conservative approach, has not set targets with respect to these benefits (as their generation very strongly depends on the exact Agtech solutions that will be supported by the AgVentures II), but will track these additional benefits during implementation of the project through its E&S monitoring tool. a) Climate Change - Technologies can help farmers adapt to climate change § Weather data and information technologies § Genetic technologies § Biological seed treatments and soil amendments § Indoor agriculture b) Water: Technologies focusing on conserving and optimizing the use of water § Water management technologies § Irrigation technologies c) Food Waste: Technologies that can help reduce, avoid or repurpose waste § Post-harvest technologies § Waste repurposing technologies d) Farmer Welfare and Smallholder Empowerment § Farm Management System § Content, Education and Social Media [1] These targets were incorporated in the Results Matrix. Such estimation followed conservative assumptions based on existing startups in the agtech segment and those previously invested by SP Ventures.



Bicknell's Thrush (BITH) is a neotropical migratory bird species whose population overwinters predominantly in the Dominican Republic where forest habitat is under threat from agricultural expansion and fire. With past NMBCA support, significant progress has been made in protecting and managing critical habitat, and restoring forest conditions for migratory birds. This project builds and expands upon those advances. Partners will: 1) engage coffee/cacao farmers and industry stakeholders in Bird-Friendly production methods and marketing; 2) restore 65 ha by planting 114,900 native trees and coffee/cacao plants; 3) conduct a land tenure study to explore new lands to protect; 4) develop a Payment for Ecosystem Services program to incentivize forest protection; 5) improve law enforcement of four key habitat areas by hiring one new park guard, and supporting patrols and boundary-marking; 5) monitor presence, and distribution of BITH and other Partners in Flight priority migratory species. With matching funds, they will: 1) protect up to 100 ha of habitat through acquisition; 2) maintain 23 existing guards, 8 protected area personnel, and 20 fire/patrol brigade members; 3) map cacao farms & help develop/test Bird-Friendly cacao standards; and 4) build capacity in our partner through investment in personnel and institutional strengthening.

Integrated Community - Based Conservation of Peatlands Ecosystems and Promotion of Ecotourism in Lac Télé La


To promote a model for integrated community-based conservation and protected area management applied to the peatland area and its forest ecosystem of the RoC Lac Télé Landscape.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The project is designed to strengthen and develop on-going efforts in the Republic of Congo, as well as in the greater Congo Basin region to conserve globally significant biodiversity within forest landscapes and sustainably manage a big tropical peatland found within the country, and extending into neighbouring countries. The project will, however, deliver tangible economic benefits to local communities within target areas. This will be achieved through developing and implementing land use management plans, improving the legal and policy framework, improving environmental management within project area to help maintain existing livelihoods and develop new options related to ecotourism, NFTP and organic cocoa value chains, sustainable wildlife management and agriculture as well as reducing social and economic costs of environmental degradation, unsustainable exploitation of natural resources and wildlife crime. The cost of human-wildlife conflict will also be reduced by the demonstration of practices that will avoid these conflicts at village level including ecological solutions through bee hives for honey production, and by the protection of habitat in the project area as elephants will be kept away from VTs due to their remembering of bee mass attacks. More specifically the project will work with key production sectors within the project area and in related transboundary landscapes to strengthen sustainable livelihoods practices. The introduction of CBNRM, SLM, and SFM is expected to trigger more efficient management of natural resources reducing cost of exploitation or increasing yield in the long-term, this includes for instance sustainable land management practices increasing soil productivity, and agroforestry practices introducing new sustainable agricultural production options for local communities. For instance sustainable integrated land management through agroforestry, multiple use sustain yield tree crops, orchard fruits, aquaculture, honey bee production along with wildlife oriented ecotourism and hotspots permanent monitoring, rural entrepreneurship activities for small business services will provide upwards of 2,500 environmentally friendly jobs for sustainable inclusive green growth. The project will thus contribute to increase local communities’ income in the long term including income from sustainable agriculture through the creation of agricultural products collect, transport, processing and trading and develop their partnership with private agricultural companies, which could commercialize their processed production. The proposed intervention will also support the development of direct or indirect revenue generation from conservation activities for local communities; appropriate revenue generation mechanisms compatible with the protected areas status and ecological characters and responsive to local community needs will be analyzed. Mechanisms will include ecotourism, handicrafts, and derivatives of sustainable non-timber products to which value has been added. The project will also facilitate targeted communities, relevant common initiative groups, community-based organization, as well as authorities to establish community tourism enterprise to promote ecotourism, tourism based small businesses, services and products as alternative livelihood source. Eco-tourism initiatives have the potential to create around upward of 750 direct jobs if the area manages to attract at least 2,000 tourists a year through the support of this project and relevant long-term partners within the ministerial and non-governmental organization spaces. A major aspect of the project concerns law enforcement strengthening and anti-trafficking activities on the ground. The related activities undertaken during the project will trigger a stronger and more efficient legal mechanism with better crime scene management and criminal investigations, as well as a stronger capacity of PA managers and patrols to prevent and address wildlife crime in the project area. Local communities will thus benefit from an improved security in the zone, with better surveillance of routes and hubs preventing armed groups from freely entering the area. The project will support social cohesion in the regional transboundary area by fostering increased cooperation between stakeholders over essential issues concerning natural resources management and wildlife crime. Consultations platforms will enable stakeholders to negotiate and solve issues concerning logging concessions for instance. In this process indigenous people and small local communities will be given the opportunity to participate to the decision-making process to ensure their fair representation and appropriation of the development process of the zone. These communities will also receive support to develop community based forest management through the biological resources access. According to the government’s 2010 report to CEDAW, women produced approximately 90% of food products for household consumption. In 2016, the government reported that women accounted for 70% of the agricultural workforce but own only 25% of agricultural land usually in small holdings. This project is carefully integrating gender mainstreaming considerations to ensure that the project benefits are fairly distributed across genders with special emphasis on women for capacity-building activities on SLM and alternative livelihoods. Women will benefit from the introduction of alternative livelihoods creating agricultural jobs and alternative source of income. They will also participate as full members in decision-making, access to project resources, and in contributing to feedback on project implementation processes and directions.

Transforming and scaling up results and lessons learned in the Monte Alen and Rio Campo Landscapes through an


To conserve and sustainably manage biodiversity and forest ecosystems in the Monte Alen and Rio Campo landscapes in Equatorial Guinea through an inclusive landscape approach, effective land use planning, enhanced management of protected areas and the promotion of local governance and sustainable livelihood options


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The project will strengthen the land use planning, governance and management frameworks for sustainable forest management across two landscapes that cover more than half of the continental region of Equatorial Guinea. These landscapes are multi-use systems that are essential to the food security and livelihoods of the people who live within them. The ecosystems of the landscapes are vital to residents of the landscapes who rely on them for food production, water, energy and many other services. Over the last decades pressure on the natural resources of the landscapes has been increasing due to human interventions and climate change and variability.Establishing effective land use planning, governance and management systems for sustainable development will provide an improved means for stakeholders to dialogue and develop solutions to increasing pressure on the forest ecosystems. The application of these strategies will contribute to maintaining or improving the values and functions of the lanscapes’ ecosystems, improving their resilience, their ability to supply critical services and their ability to support multiple production systems. In turn this will build the adaptive capacity and resilience of local communities and the broader stakeholder community in the face of growing anthropogenic pressures and climate variability.In addition, the project will improve the capacity and resilience of local communities by developing alternative livelihoods. Without the intervention of this project, unsustainable practices and anthropogenic pressures will continue to negatively impact and degrade the area targeted by this project. These negative impacts will put at risk the ecological and livelihood systems upon which local communities directly depend and will increase the stressors confronting thousands of households across the region. These households will also have reduced flexibility to respond to the impacts of climate change.

Achieving land degradation neutrality targets through restoration and sustainable management of degraded land


Achieving land degradation neutrality targets through restoration and sustainable management of degraded land in Northern Jordan


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The project promotes full and productive employment and decent work in rural areas, aiming at the progressive realization of their right to Decent Rural Employment[1]. Strengthening of key value-chains and introduction of target SLM measures will lead to improved income generation opportunities and more diversified livelihoods for around 12,500 people (50% women) in the target Governates and landscapes. Additional socio-economic benefits include the following and will be calculated during initial stages of project implementation: · Number of land managers with access to advisory or extension services (total # per administrative district per region)· Increased investments in SLM· Increased awareness of LDN concepts, LD impacts and LDN principles· Increased livelihood and economic resilience through improved market access by smallholder to climate resilient value chains · Increased social resilience and human well-being (Gender equality, access to information and finance) of 12,500 beneficiaries (Women 6,250; Men 6,250)· Improved access to finance for small-holder farmers· Improved food security through increased productivity and delivery of ecosystem services (project contribution defined, but not monitored) [1] Specific guidance on how FAO can promote the Four Pillars of Decent Work in rural areas is provided in the Quick reference for addressing decent rural employment (as well as in the full corresponding Guidance document). For more information on FAO’s work on decent rural employment and related guidance materials please consult the FAO thematic website at: http://www.fao.org/rural-employment/en/.