Missed an interesting event or property rights? Find out the headlines and information about any past events or conferences.
II Simpósio de Ciência do Solo: Interfaces, desafios e Inovações
O ano de 2015 foi considerado pela ONU como Ano Internacional dos Solos.
IV Fórum Brasileiro de Áreas Degradadas
Com intuito de promover conhecimentos e experiência desenvolvidas na recuperação e degradação ambiental nos diversos biomas brasileiros, o evento pretende contribuir com a difícil tarefa de restauração desses biomas.
USAID Land Tenure and Property Rights Course
Rights to land and resources are at the center of our most pressing development issues: poverty reduction, food security, conflict, urbanization, gender equality, climate change, and resilience. Secure Land Tenure and Property Rights (LTPR) create incentives for investment, broad-based economic growth, and good stewardship of natural resources.
3er. Congreso Iberoamericano de Suelo Urbano
Los días 23, 24 y 25 de agosto del presente año, se llevará a cabo el TERCER CONGRESO IBEROAMERICANO DE SUELO URBANO en la ciudad de Curitiba, Brasil, con el tema “El suelo en la nueva agenda urbana”, organizado de manera conjunta por El Colegio Mexiquense AC, la Universidad Federal do Paraná, la Pontificia Universidad Católica do Paraná y la Universidad Positivo.
Lanzamiento: Observatorio de Conflictos Ambientales (OCA)
El 16 y 17 de marzo, el Instituto de Estudios Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia presentará el Observatorio de Conflictos Ambientales en la Sede Bogotá.
Día Internacional de la Mujer 2017
Día Internacional de la Mujer 2017
En el marco de esta celebración
Rethinking Expropriation Law: Compensation for Expropriation
On December 7-9, 2016, a group of scholars will meet in Cape Town, South Africa to discuss compensation for expropriation. The objective of the Conference is to debate what is "fair" compensation and contribute to the development of a new protocol on fair compensation.
UK Land Policy Forum meeting on Land and Women's empowerment- 13th October 2016
Invitation to the 3rd UK Land Policy Forum on ‘Land and Women’s empowerment’ – October 13th 2016,
ODI Conference room, 203 Blackfriars road, SE1 8NJ, London
IODC 2016
IODC is the essential meeting point for the global community to debate and study the future of open data.
IODC aims to build stronger relationships between open data initiatives from the different governments and establish a dialogue between these voices:
CCSI Executive Training Program on Sustainable Investments in Agriculture
The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI) is pleased to announce that applications are open for our Executive Training on Sustainable Investments in Agriculture, which will be held at Columbia University from July 6-15, 2016.
Semana Internacional de la Sociedad Civil - ICSW 2016
La Semana Internacional de la Sociedad Civil (ICSW por sus siglas en inglés) 2016 se celebrará en Bogotá, Colombia, del 25 al 28 de abril con el fin de:
Conferencia Internacional sobre Reforma Agraria en Brasil
Las luchas por la tierra, agua y territorios son centrales en la lucha por la Soberanía Alimentaria.