Our mission is to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of research.
These are core values of scholarship and practicing them is presumed to increase the efficiency of acquiring knowledge.
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This culture change requires simultaneous movement by funders, institutions, researchers, and service providers across national and disciplinary boundaries. Despite this, the vision is achievable because openness, integrity, and reproducibility are shared values, the technological capacity is available, and alternative sustainable business models exist.
COS's philosophy and motivation is summarized in its strategic plan and in scholarly articles outlining a vision of scientific utopia for research communication and research practices.
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Displaying 206 - 210 of 447Housing and Commuting in an Extended Monocentric Model
We model a city in which jobs are exogenous and distributed across an extended business area in which transport has a nonzero cost. Households are homogeneous in terms of utility and gross income, but each household chooses its residential location on the basis of its place of employment, which is deemed to be fixed. Equilibrium conditions for this residential location market are established. It is shown that there is an equilibrium that is unique (for a closed city with absentee landlords).
Environmental and Gender Impacts of Land Tenure Regularization in Africa
Although recent developments greatly increased interest in African land tenure, few models to address these issues at the required scale have been identified or evaluated. Rwanda.s nation-wide land tenure regularization programme is of great interest.
PIRANDELLO an integrated transport and land-use model for the Paris area
The PIRANDELLO model, currently under development by Cofiroute, is among the first significant French attempts to develop an operational land-use transport interaction (LUTI) model. It provides an easily understandable but theoretically sturdy framework to analyze and communicate on transportation and land-use policies. Based on the linkage of a transportation with an urban model, the project benefits from Cofiroute's experience as regards the transportation model, to focus on the development of an efficient and innovative urban model.
Land Reform and Landholdings in Brazil
land reform, land distribution, wealth distribution
Land Ownership Problems and Oil Development
Farm Management, Land Economics/Use,