Displaying 71 - 75 of 98Forest and Range Practices Act ([SBC 2002] Chapter 69).
The present Act lays down provisions relating to forest and range practices. Section 136 establishes that the Forest Practices Board is continued. The text consists of 217 sections divided into 11 Parts as follows: Definition and interpretation (1); Forest stewardship plan, site plan and woodlot licence plan (2); Forest practices (3); Range (4); Protection of resources (5); Compliance and enforcement (6); General (7); Forest Practices Board (8); Regulations and standards (9); Pilot projects for forest practices or range practices (10); Nisga'a Final Agreement Transition (11).
Range Planning and Practices Regulation (B.C. Reg. 19/2004).
The present Regulation lays down provisions relating to range planning and practices. The text consists of 48 sections divided into 6 Parts as follows: Interpretation (1); Plans (2); Repeal (3); Practice requirements (4); Miscellaneous (5); Compliance and enforcement (6). One Schedule is enclosed. In particular, it deals with range readiness criteria.
Implements: Forest and Range Practices Act ([SBC 2002] Chapter 69). (2016-02-29)
Forest Practices Board Regulation (B.C. Reg. 15/2004).
The present Regulation implements the Forest and Range Practice Act. The text consists of 12 sections divided into 5 Parts as follows: Definitions (1): Audits (2); Complaints (3); Significant breaches (4); Transition (5)
Implements: Forest and Range Practices Act ([SBC 2002] Chapter 69). (2016-02-29)
Security for Forest and Range Practice Liabilities Regulation (B.C. Reg. 20/2004).
The present Regulation implements the Forest and Range Practices Act. In particular, it deals with security and liabilities of forest and range practice. The text consists of 3 sections as follows: Security (1); Return of security (2); Offence (3).
Implements: Forest and Range Practices Act ([SBC 2002] Chapter 69). (2016-02-29)
Range Regulation (B.C. Reg.116/2005).
The present Regulation implements sections 79-81 of the Range Act applying to Crown range. In particular, it deals with applications for a licence, grazing permit or hay cutting permit. The text consists of 20 sections divided into 5 Parts as follows: Definitions and interpretation (1); Notice and award of licences and permits (2); Fees (3); Reporting (4); Range districts (5).
Implements: Range Act ([SBC 2004] Chapter 71). (2015-12-18)
Repeals: Range Regulation (B.C. Reg.199/00). (2000-06-08)