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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 966 - 970 of 2116

Transforming and scaling up results and lessons learned in the Monte Alen and Rio Campo Landscapes through an


To conserve and sustainably manage biodiversity and forest ecosystems in the Monte Alen and Rio Campo landscapes in Equatorial Guinea through an inclusive landscape approach, effective land use planning, enhanced management of protected areas and the promotion of local governance and sustainable livelihood options


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The project will strengthen the land use planning, governance and management frameworks for sustainable forest management across two landscapes that cover more than half of the continental region of Equatorial Guinea. These landscapes are multi-use systems that are essential to the food security and livelihoods of the people who live within them. The ecosystems of the landscapes are vital to residents of the landscapes who rely on them for food production, water, energy and many other services. Over the last decades pressure on the natural resources of the landscapes has been increasing due to human interventions and climate change and variability.Establishing effective land use planning, governance and management systems for sustainable development will provide an improved means for stakeholders to dialogue and develop solutions to increasing pressure on the forest ecosystems. The application of these strategies will contribute to maintaining or improving the values and functions of the lanscapes’ ecosystems, improving their resilience, their ability to supply critical services and their ability to support multiple production systems. In turn this will build the adaptive capacity and resilience of local communities and the broader stakeholder community in the face of growing anthropogenic pressures and climate variability.In addition, the project will improve the capacity and resilience of local communities by developing alternative livelihoods. Without the intervention of this project, unsustainable practices and anthropogenic pressures will continue to negatively impact and degrade the area targeted by this project. These negative impacts will put at risk the ecological and livelihood systems upon which local communities directly depend and will increase the stressors confronting thousands of households across the region. These households will also have reduced flexibility to respond to the impacts of climate change.

UNIDO: Human security through inclusive socioeconomic development in Upper Egypt


Sohag is one of the poorest governorates of Upper Egypt, with a total population of some 4.6 million, of which 1.3 million are poor. 250 of its villages are among the 1,000 poorest in Egypt. Poverty in Sohag is essentially structural and multi-dimensional, deriving from lack of adequate public infrastructure, limited private capital accumulation, low levels of investment in human capital and limited pro-poor programmes. The Hayat II Project aims at enabling vulnerable individuals and communities to integrate better into local market systems in order to secure more stable flows of income necessary to satisfy basic needs and wants and, in turn, reduce economic insecurity.

Reducing land degradation and carbon loss from Ethiopia's soils to strengthen livelihoods and resilience (RALe


Land degradation is a major problem in Ethiopia. Recent estimates put the size of degraded land in Ethiopia at more than one-quarter of the entire country, which affects nearly a third of the population. Land degradation takes many forms and has many different effects, with the most adverse impacts on poor people, who depend heavily on natural resources. Forests, soils, water, biodiversity, and economic and social services derived from the ecosystems are all affected. Climate change and extreme weather events, such as the recent El Niño effect, significantly increase the risk of soil erosion, and losses of soil nutrients. The impact of degradation and measures to restore land are inherently unequally distributed across the population in time and space. Restoring degraded common lands through the establishment of "exclosure" areas where traditional community access is restricted is widely used in Ethiopia. These restrictions particularly affect those without access to other sources of firewood and grazing. Such inequalities and local perceptions of justice need to be taken into account if soil restoration is to be sustainable in the long run. This project aims to improve the design of measures to combat land degradation while considering equity and justice, strengthening risk management and benefits for communities, particularly poor and marginal groups, increasing the capacity of local people to adapt and improve their lives. The project draws on an interdisciplinary approach covering anthropology, agricultural and forestry science, economics, environmental modelling, hydrology, sociology, and soil science. In case study areas within the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Region in Ethiopia (SNNPR) covering different agricultural and climatic zones, the project will design interventions with the Ethiopian Bureau of Agriculture to - Train and provide access to exclosures to selected eligible landless youth and women to enable them to undertake new productive activities in 1) beekeeping or 2) livestock management. - Demonstrate and train local farmers in simple measures to address gully formation The research aims to find out the impact of the new interventions on the participants, how the interventions were communicated and promoted within the communities, how they were experienced by different groups, and their impact on preferences and attitudes to natural resource management within the community. The project will collect soil, hydrology and socio-economic data. This will be used with environmental and economic modelling to measure the impacts of the interventions on the direct participants, and preferences for natural resource management in the wider community, and the potential long-term effects on land degradation, thus helping to improve the design local natural resource management. With local and regional practitioners, development agents and representatives of local communities, the project will draw together all the results of the research to develop recommendations for improving frameworks to planning land degradation measures aligned to communities' aspirations, values and notions of justice.


The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world.



TRIDE is aimed at alleviating insecurity and instability by promoting economic development and access to markets and land in eastern DRC. It has three components, focusing on land access and land tenure security; resilient agriculture (using an IWRM lens); and revitalising the local economy.

Low Carbon Solutions through Nature Based Urban Development for Kutaisi City


Enable a transformative shift towards sustainable urban development within and outside of Kutaisi City of Georgia by strengthening planning and institutional frameworks, demonstrating and scaling-up investment in integrated low-carbon electric solutions in transport and sustainable land management practices.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

Economics1. The Project will deliver social, economic and environmental benefits as a result of the envisioned technical assistance activities and the demonstration pilots. These include: (a) direct energy savings; (b) mitigated greenhouse gas emission from AFOLU sector; (c) increased efficiency of electric transport mobility and associated costs savings; (d) reduced emissions from transport sector in terms of reduction of atmospheric contaminants in urban area, which reliefs public health risks associated with baseline vehicle emissions; (e) development of innovative businesses contributing to economic growth and job creation; and (f) enhanced quality and user experiences.2. There is not any feasibility study that demonstrates the long-term economic benefits of green urban development or green public transport for Kutaisi. There is a lack of good practices and demonstrations of low carbon urban transportation in Kutaisi. In order for Kutaisi to adopt green urban and green transport development, evidence from demonstrations are needed.3. Moreover, a robust methodology for quantification of indicated socio-economic benefits in Georgia is currently not in place; aspects such as impact on public health and business and employment will expectedly be assessed as inputs for the economic and technical feasibility studies of integrated municipal projects (i.e. green public transport and green urban development) for Kutaisi City that are envisaged to be elaborated under the main outcome 2 of this project. 4. This low emission electric urban transportation pilot initiative has the potential to provide long-term strategic benefit to Kutaisi. This pilot will provide an opportunity for public and private operators to assess the viability of electric buses in routes around Kutaisi and in Georgia more generally (e.g., the round-trip from Kutaisi City Center to Sataplia Nature Reserve is about 20 km. The pilot will include two li-on battery-operated buses and a fast charger at the end stop complemented with low power overnight chargers at the main bus-park which seems the most economical charging combination).Supporting the achievement of global environment benefits (GEF Trust Fund)5. SLM related activities will be undertaken on at least 700 ha of urban forest lands in Kutaisi City. Out of the above 700 ha, restoration activities will cover 220 ha of degraded forest lands, while HCF forest loss will be avoided on the rest 480 ha. 6. Implementation of the Project will contribute to estimated CO2 reduction in total of 3.276 million metric tons of CO2 for a period of 20 years (2024-2044).7. The project will ensure the sustainability and replicability of global environmental benefits in several ways: enhancing the capacity of the national and local authorities to enforce the implementation and demonstrating modern environmentally friendly technologies. Social benefits and Gender 8. To meet the requirements of the GEF Policy on Gender Equality (2017), the Project Gender Action Plan (GAP) will be implemented in accordance with the GEF Policy. The Project will ensure equal opportunities for women and men of Kutaisi municipality to participate in, contribute to, and benefit from the Project. Project activities will be designed and implemented in an inclusive manner. Women's organizations based in Kutaisi will be invited to the consultation meetings.