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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 296 - 300 of 2116

Promoting Early Recovery and Durable Solutions in Informal Settlements of Protracted IDPs and Regional Returne


The grant enables a consortium approach by four NGO/UN agencies to address the persisting, disadvantaging effects of prolonged and protracted displacement, providing ‘durable solutions’ in regional hubs around western, southern, and eastern Afghanistan, through an integrated multi-sectoral approach at the community level (secure land tenure, legal protection, basic shelter, sustainable livelihoods, water supply, sanitation and hygiene) and also at a national policy level (coordination, technical support, and policy advocacy on housing, land, and property rights, as well as urban reintegration initiatives linked to the forthcoming Citizen’s Charter). The grant also intends to further build an integrated, field-tested, strategic approach to coordination and programmatic implementation on ‘early recovery’ in Afghanistan, which is currently devoid of an Early Recovery Cluster. The consortium will also enable operational learning to better link relief, resilience, and development interventions in Afghanistan.

Rights based REDD+ Myanmar


Outcome 1: The international climate regime for land-use and forests includes a rights-based approach and provisions to protect natural ecosystems • Outcome 2: Indigenous peoples and other forest-dependent communities enjoy greater respect for their land rights and are recognised for their sustainable management and protection of the rainforest. Implementation by RFN and partners

Rights based REDD+ Indonesia


Outcome 1: The international climate regime for land-use and forests includes a rights-based approach and provisions to protect natural ecosystems • Outcome 2: Indigenous peoples and other forest-dependent communities enjoy greater respect for their land rights and are recognised for their sustainable management and protection of the rainforest. Implementing partners: AMAN, PARADISEA,WALHI KALTenG,WARSI