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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 431 - 435 of 2116

Providing food security and livelihood support to vulnerable Internally Displaced Persons and host communities


The project will support vulnerable Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and host communities in North Baidoa to achieve immediate access to food and adequate nutrition. It will target an estimated 2,220 people from 7 settlements who require immediate food assistance. The one year project will contribute to the achievement of the 2016 HRP strategic objectives as outlined in the project logical framework. During project life-cycle, SYPD will distribute food vouchers to 200 most vulnerable households with malnourished children under 5 years, those categorized to be in IPC 3 and 4, women headed households, and pregnant and lactating mothers. The food voucher value of $50 will enable target households access 78% of the minimum food Basket per month for a series of 3 months. In the facilitation of the food voucher program, SYPD will adapt best practices including identification of local vendors and beneficiaries throughout a transparent and accountable process. Barometric data pertaining to selected beneficiaries will be loaded in electronic databases and serialized ID cards will be provided with each household to ensure that only intended beneficiaries are targeted. Beneficiaries in this category will also undergo sensitization on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices with emphasis on the benefits of breastfeeding and on household dietary diversity in an effort to improve nutrition levels among target households. Cognizant of the fact that livestock is among main livelihood assets for pastoralists in target IDP settlements and host communities, SYPD will provide 5 goats to 150 vulnerable households. This will create economic sources and improve food security and nutrition status among the target beneficiaries. Restocking will target pastoral households who lost most of their livestock due to drought and displacement and those who demonstrate the capacity and desire for effective animal husbandry. While no negative environmental impact is expected with the proposed restocking, SYPD will enhance IDPs awareness on controlling pasture and grazing to prevent land degradation, improving animal diets to reduce enteric fermentation and adapting appropriate recycling of manure to mitigate any potential environmental impact. In tandem with animal restocking, this project will also protect and promote target beneficiaries' livestock assets through training of select community animal health workers on livestock treatment and vaccination of the same against common diseases. 20 agro-pastoral households from the IDPs and target host communities will be supplied with donkey carts to further diversity household income sources. Provision of these carts will also help beneficiaries to carry a wide range of goods to district markets which will reduce overall costs on transportation thereby contributing to improved income levels and consequently food security. In the implementation of project activities, SYPD will coordinate with other partners active in the area, especially those with activities to improve food security, to maximize impact and avoid duplication of efforts. In the selection of beneficiaries, SYPD will utilize its vast field experience and familiarity with the context of Baidoa to ensure that the selection process is gender sensitive and that beneficiaries represent diverse clans and social backgrounds.

Provision of transitional shelter with corrugated galvanized iron Roofing to the Most Vulnerable protracted


The project designed by WRRS and will support the provision of local charish shelter with Corrugated Galvanized Iron Sheet (CGI) Roofing for the most vulnerable IDPs households in Dalxiska IDP settlement in Kismayu. There has been a significant increase for shelter in Kismayu given that there are a large number of displacements. The project activities will include construction of 200 local Charish shelter, distribution of 200 solar rechargeable lamps and training on local building cultures, settlement planning and management. This type of typology is the most appropriate for Kismayu given that the area temperatures are very high and the typology is locally acceptable. The shelter construction process will mainstream Housing, Land and property rights. This will involve holding consultations with the local administration, local land owners and the host community to ensure long tern land tenure for the internally displaced people (IDPs). WRRS will facilitate the meetings with the local administration and mostly to secure lease agreements for the IDPs. Each of the target households will be provided with lease agreements from the local administration. The project will also ensure settlement management and site planning for all the construction to promote safe secure environment for the IDPs. The project will mainstream protection issues and especially for the female households particularly through the provision of solar lamps.

Enhance Farmers' resilience through Improving food security for most vulnerable Households in area C-West Bank


The proposed project will target 15 vulnerable rural communities in Area C in the west bank Jenin, Tulkarm, Salfit, ‎Tubas and Hebron governorates, the chosen communities suffer from high and severe occupation ‎restrictive measures and settlers’ violence that contribute to loss of livelihood stability ‎and deterioration of the socioeconomic environment. The protracted protection crisis due to the ‎prolonged occupation and other external factors like COIVD- 19 and the war on Ukraine further ‎exasperated the economic and social situation, and negatively impacted the ability of targeted ‎Palestinian households to meet their basic needs and live in dignity.‎ Within the targeted communities in Area C, Israel retains exclusive control, including over law ‎enforcement, access and movement, planning and construction. Thus, preventing people from ‎accessing their natural resources (land and water), destroying agricultural lands amp animal shelters, ‎water cisterns, uprooting planted trees, these actions force displace vulnerable families and disrupt ‎their livelihoods, and deprive them from most critical and basic humanitarian needs, which are against ‎IHRL and IHL.‎ These 15 locations suffer from settlements expansion and land confiscations in addition to continuous ‎episodes of settler’s violence. The project aims at enhancing the resilience of 1152 farmers' HH s ‎‎(capita5644) including 1609 women, 1665 men, 1157girls and 1213 boys serving 5192 dunums by ‎improving the food security of vulnerable farmers and households taking. ‎This will be achieved through land rehabilitation productivity enhancement of 1602 dunums by fencing (82 dunums), rehabilitation through stones crushing (400 dunums) ‎and pruning of olive trees (1120 dunums) to protect the lands and increase land productivity. The ‎Rehabilitation of 9 km of agricultural roads to enhance protection accessibility and utilization of the ‎served agricultural lands and decrease in production cost. These roads will also help fire trucks to reach wildfires. Increasing access to ‎water for agriculture land to enhance farmers resilience and productivity through the installation of 2 ‎km of water carries to for the benefit of 200 dunums, and the rehabilitation of 12 water cisterns for ‎the benefit of 120 dunums. In addition to 98 grace cutting ‎machines to reduce the threats farmers (especially women) face from settlers during olive harvesting ‎season by reducing harvesting time, better cleaning and minimizing fire risks. In these targeted locations, farmers need permission from Israeli ‎side to get access to their lands when harvesting. The project will also provide rehabilitation of 7 ‎ animals ‎shelters for ‎the benefit ‎of 7 ‎farmers ‎households to increase the productive assets ‎pertaining Cattle in the targeted localities. The project focuses on promoting PSEA and AAP. In each locality, awareness session will be conducted ‎and PSEA awareness material will be distributed. In these sessions the WFP-managed Inter-Agency ‎common feedback mechanism will be disseminated, along with the proper communication channels. For non ‎PSEA related feedback and complaints, PARC’s feedback mechanism will be disseminated. ‎Lastly, once the project is approved, a series of actions will take place to ensure good governance, ‎participation, ownership, information sharing and accountability PARC team will ‎announce and formulate Local Committees in the targeted location (15 LC). These LCs will have ‎representatives from Village Councils, Municipalities, CBOs and they will participate and ‎steer the project. It will ensure to maintain a voice to women, as the project’s team will encourage women to participate in the LC and decision making. Then, tendering and ‎contracting, where the project team and the local committees will ensure the best value of money, and ‎the project will be implemented based on a well formulated exit strategy.‎

Agricultural livelihoods support to vulnerable households in Southern Syria


The agricultural sector previously played an important role in providing livelihoods options for the population of south Syria. The seven-year crisis in the country has however caused land degradation and decreased productivity. Findings from the Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM, 2016) undertaken by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) in November 2016 estimates that wheat production at country level has been 55 percent lower than the average production achieved prior to the crisis (2007-2011). Furthermore, it indicates that the quality of diet and micronutrient intake in Syria has markedly deteriorated with many households substantially reducing the consumption of meat, dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits. The study has also concluded that almost half of Syrian households are resorting to severe, often irreversible coping strategies including selling productive assets. A higher prevalence of severe livelihood coping strategies was observed in the areas that have been directly affected by the conflict, including Idleb, Quneitra, Dara’a, Aleppo, Hasakeh, Sweida, Hama and Rural Damascus governorates. The livelihoods assessment conducted by Care International in 2015 indicated that agriculture is a sector which can potentially meet emergency, recovery and livelihood- economic development needs. Comparing with the recent FAO assessment 2016 on counting the cost for the agricultural sector in Syria after 6 years of crisis, 75% of the households’ samples were still growing food for their own consumption. This means that promoting livelihoods in Syria through “investing in the recovery of agriculture” will reduce the negative coping strategies and enhancing the economic resilience. The overarching objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of resilience and food security of vulnerable crisis-affected families in the southern Syria districts. The project aims at supporting vulnerable farmers and IDP families living in urban areas to grow their own nutritious food through distribution of vegetable seeds and supporting them with knowledge sharing and capacity building on homestead gardening and micro gardening.

Réponse d’urgence et Soutien au renforcement des capacités d'autosuffisance alimentaire en faveur des 2800 mén


La Zone de Santé de Kalole, Chefferie Wakabongo 2, Territoire de Shabunda est le théâtre de nombreuses violences et mouvements de population dont les derniers affrontements ont eu lieu en Février 2018. Selon OCHA, lors des dernières violences, plus de 4300 élèves ont perdu l’accès à l’éducation suite aux fermetures d’écoles, et 30 000 personnes l’accès aux soins suites aux fermetures de structures de santé alors que des nombreuses personnes se sont déplacés. A travers une réponse en sécurité alimentaire le projet proposé a pour objectif général de contribuer à l'amélioration immédiate des conditions de vie des personnes affectées par les crises dans 10 Aires de santé dans la zone de santé de Kalole, Territoire de Shabunda, Province du Sud Kivu. Ainsi, l’intervention a contribuera à l’amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire immédiate et à moyen terme par un appui en cash, un meilleur accès aux semences améliorées, aux outils et à des formations de qualité à 689 ménages, soit 4820 bénéficiaires. La distribution de semences est prévue pour permettre un semis pour la saison agricole qui commencera en Décembre 2018. Les équipes auront ainsi le temps suffisant pour préparer les activités en collaboration avec les autorités, les fournisseurs et la population. En terme de sécurité alimentaire, l’intervention ciblera les ménages les plus vulnérables, y compris ceux n’ayant pas accès à la terre. Pour ces ménages, l’intervention appuiera des groupes locaux et facilitera l’accès à des champs communautaires pour leur permettre de semer et avoir une récolte. Une partie de la récolte sera conservé par les groupes en tant que réserve semencière pour leur permettre de semer la saison suivante et aussi pour renforcer la disponibilité de semences améliorées dans la zone.