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Displaying 821 - 830 of 6947Mozambique - Drought Recovery and Agriculture Resilience Project (DRARP)
The Drought Recovery and Climate Resilience Project is an integrated operation to strengthen the capacity of the rural communities to address the inter-linked challenges of climate change, rural poverty, food insecurity and land degradation through the provision of water harvesting infrastructure, and improving food production and marketing activities as well as capacity building for the affected communities. This project consists of three approaches for scaling up agriculture water infrastructure development through: (1) small irrigation schemes, (ii) construction and installation of water harvesting structures and (iii) installation of water treatment plants with desalination systems powered by solar panel systems. The DRARP is a critical intervention as the effects and impacts of climate change are already being felt due to erratic and inadequate rainfall patterns and declining on-farm productivity as a result of the increasing intensity of adverse climatic conditions. The project will support the improvement of food security and marketing to increase resilience to climate change and provide capacity building on climate change risk management in particular related to drought, and systems for monitoring and evaluation. The total project cost is 11.0 UA (15.51 million dollars) over 5 years (2018-2022) and will be implemented in the four drought prone districts of Magude, Matutuine, Chigubo and Chibuto with estimated total direct beneficiaries of 20,000 and additional 20,000 indirect beneficiaries. It consists of the three following components: I) Agriculture Water Infrastructure Development; (ii) improved Food Security and Marketing to Increase Resilience to Climate Change; and (iii) Project Management.
The DRARP goal is to strengthen the capacity of the rural communities to address the inter-linked challenges of climate change, rural poverty, food insecurity and land degradation through the provision of water harvesting infrastructure, and improving food production and marketing activities as well as capacity building for the affected communities.
Target Groups
The selected communities are among those mostly affected by the drought and they will be the direct beneficiaries of the activities under the project. Public institutions such as the Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources, National Agricultural Research Institute and relevant Directorates in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and the provincial and district directorates of Agriculture and Public Works will benefit from the project interventions in terms of capacity building. Other indirect beneficiaries are health centers, public schools and district offices (benefiting from the rain water harvesting structures), processors, traders, entrepreneurs, various service providers, NGOs, etc. In addition to infrastructure and improved agricultural practices, innovative techniques needed for quality maintenance of infrastructure, nutrition modules, conservation and processing of food products will be developed. Many people will also benefit from the project through radio jingles that will disseminate some of the project’s nutrition and weather information, and training programs. Estimates plan for approximately 20.000 indirect beneficiaries.
AquaS - Strengthening decentralized entities in 11 municipalities of Bassa Casamance in land planning and wate
The proposal is intended to accompany local actors in the creation of a land management system, in particular an integrated management of water resources, adapted to the Senegalese national context and in accordance with internationally recognized principles
Alliance to develop and promote family farming in Northern Albania
PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMenT AND FOR enHANCEMenT OF FAMILY FARMING IN NORTHERN ALBANIA seeks to improve the food sovereignty and to support the sustainable socio-economic development of the disadvantaged rural communities of Northern Albania. In particular it aims at promoting the development of family farming by enhancing traditional knowledge, local speciality products, women’s role and the sustainable rural land management of the regions of Shkodër and Lezhë.
The intervention strategy is structured around four key pillars:
(1) “MOUNTAIN AREAS” – Increasing production capacity of family businesses mainly active in the ovine and caprine supply chain in the mountains areas of the Municipalities of Fushë Arrëz, Pukë and Vau Dejës.
(2) “LOWLAND AREAS” – Increasing production and reception capacity of family businesses mainly active in the fruits and vegetables supply chain and in the rural tourism sector in the lowland areas of the Municipalities of Lezhë and Vau Dejës.
(3) “MARKET” – Promoting access to the market for typical agri-food products of target areas.
(4) “RURAL WOMen” – Raising awareness among beneficiary communities of women’s role and potentiality in the rural economy by pilot initiatives.
The intervention adopts the innovative subgranting methodology in order to stimulate a pro-active approach from target groups. Indeed through the establishment of the Endowment Fund FFDF [“Family Farming Development Fund”], it is expected to disburse co-financed mini –grants to beneficiaries selected through annual Call for Proposals (CfP).
During the first year the project was able to:
i) allocate, through the mini grant schemes, resources for more than 20 farmers and breeders in the area of Puka, Fushe Arez and Zadrima;
ii) exchange good practices and organize study visits in Italy;
iii) provide specialized field assistance to farmers and breeders in the area of Puka, Fushe Arez and Zadrima.
Project concluded. Expected results achieved, as described in the project reports
Grant: Global Initiative to secure women's land rights through gender transformative approaches (Window 3)
A $2,000,000 Window 3 grant from IFAD-International Fund for Agricultural Development to CIFOR for Global Initiative to secure women's land rights through gender transformative approaches
Scaling Up Fertilizer Micro-Dosing and Indigenous Vegetable Production and Utilization in West Africa (CIFSRF
Poor soil fertility and land degradation result in low production yields and quality for indigenous vegetables in West Africa. This project will address the challenges to improve vegetable production through fertilizer innovations. Increasing vegetable yields and quality This project will build on earlier research funded by the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF), a program of IDRC undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada. Two earlier projects generated promising results to improve food security in West Africa for poor families. Using innovations developed in this earlier work, researchers will speed up adoption of innovative approaches that will use cost-saving fertilizer micro-dosing and better water management to improve indigenous vegetable production in Nigeria and Benin. The project team will develop, test, and deploy two different models (Innovations Platform and Satellite Dissemination Approach) that will reach and benefit more farmers with sustainable vegetable production and marketing approaches. They will connect women-led cooperatives and youth groups to the private sector and business organizations, directly reaching more than 255,000 households. The team's work will involve further developing commercial seed production, postharvest handling, and value chains. They will also strengthen producer groups. Project leadership A consortium of five universities in Canada, Benin, and Nigeria will lead the project. They will mobilize at least 20 private sector partners and government agencies to build small and medium vegetable and fertilizer businesses. Their work will serve to double the income of approximately one million farmers in West Africa along the vegetable value chain.
Inclusive Economies: Inclusive public policies
Focus is on strengthening social protection systems and on policy advocacy work at global level. It also includes support to agricultural research for development and people centred land governance with specific emphasis on securing equitable tenure rights of women, indigenous populations and pastoralist communities
Goals include strengthened social protection systems and benefits, reduced inequality and more inclusive and sustainable markets, with improved access to resources and benefits especially for the rural poor. Strengthened engagement of Irish companies and development agencies in African Agriculture sector.
Sector Reform Contract (SRC) to promote climate-proof investments by farmers through improved land administrat
The purpose of the Action is to create in Rwanda an improved environment for sustainable investments in land through increased capacities at central and local government level for land administration and land use planning & monitoring.
Lake Naivasha Basin Ecosystem Based Management
To restore forest ecosystems and reduce land degradation in the LNB catchment for increased protection of Lake Naivasha’s water resources, biodiversity, and associated ecosystem services to support the local and national economy.
Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.
Target Groups
The project will deliver socio-economic benefits on a number of fronts:1.By focusing on improved agricultural production methods, and streamlining the value chain, the project will directly benefit participating farmer groups and other value chain actors.2.Direct benefits to local communities are expected from the proposed restoration and management of land, forest and wetland ecosystems, by generating associated increases in productivity, and benefits from forest (both timber and non-timber forest products) and wetland (e.g. fish) products.3.Overall the above direct project benefits will increase income and jobs.4.Through its specific gender focus, furthermore, the project will result in more inclusion/access by women to productive activities and decision-making processes at the local level on natural resources management.5.In the longer run, the project will increase the resilience of the ecosystem which will ensure the longer-term economic function of such systems in many different ways, both through direct services such as the productivity of lands, water provisioning, fish and forest products, as well as through indirect ecosystem services such as opportunities for tourism development in the LNB catchment, including wildlife areas and biodiversity-rich wetland systems.6.Finally, through the project’s investments in capacity building and awareness raising, it will open up opportunities for individuals and partner organizations to develop spin-off opportunities related to integrated land-use planning, sustainable agriculture, and restoration/management of land and forest ecosystems.
Tracking rhinos through the habitat matrix in Khata to optimize corridor's functionality and its natural resou
The purpose of this project is to map rhino movements to optimize the design of and conservation practices in the Khata corridor of the Terai Arc Landscape of Nepal. This will be done by: (a) organizing a central level consultation meeting in Kathmandu to establish the roles and responsibilities of organizations participating in the project; (b) obtaining government approval to place GPS collars on rhinos; (c) procuring the necessary equipment for conduct of the project; (d) conducting a field level coordination meeting at Bardia National Park to coordinate field level activities among the various involved agencies; (e) training the four local people who will carry out the projects field duties; (f) capturing, collaring and tracking four rhinos for one year; (g) mapping the land-use and land cover data in Khata corridor using high resolutions satellite imagery; (h) interpreting the images and assigning rhino movement data to land-use and land cover classes based on wildlife habitat suitability; (I) assessing and classifying the forests of the project area into different classes based on succession and restoration; (j) overlaying the GPS locations from the collared rhinos on the land-use and land cover maps to determine how rhinos move through the corridor habitat matrix; (k) using the preferred habitats of rhinos in the Khata to optimize land-use planning; (l) using the rhino habitat use data to develop a tactical patrolling plan for use by the CBAPO at the local level; and (m) utilizing the project data in assessing the potential of the Karnali, Basanta and Laljhadi corridors for rhino movement.
Parallel CSO support (We Effect) to the Land Tenure Support Programme - CSO support for the Land Tenure Suppor
We Effect have submitted an application for a one-year contribution of SEK 4,000,000 from 2017 to 2018. The support is aimed to assume an interim role as in waiting for the Land Tenure Support Programme (LTSP) CSO basket which is expected to be up and running in 2018 after lengthy delays. The support aims to ensure higher involvement of women through the promotion of gender equality in relation to women equal rights and access to land. The support offered by We Effect will be crucial in rural Tanzania where the patriarchy system is dominant which has resulted in the situation on the ground being not as good as the legal provisions on paper. Additionally, women tend to not be as aware as men of land registration possibilities, nor have the legal literacy necessary to claim the enforcement of their rights. Overall, the support will also play a part in enabling We Effect reach its strategic goal by 2021 of becoming Sweden's top actor and promoter of development work in support of gender equality within sustainable rural settings, plus seeing that that women with We Effect's partner organisations have the same right as men to have access to financial resources and the opportunity to own and Control land.
The intervention aims to promote gender equality in relation to women's equal right and access to land as means of insuring that women have the same right as men to have access to financial resources and the opportunity to own and control land a largely patriarchal rural setting in the districts of Kilombero, Ulanga and Malinyi. As a participant in the LTSP, We Effect will focus on (1) Raising awareness and strengthening participation, consultation and representation and (2) Capacity building at all levels to ensure that the processes are sustainable and can be expanded to country-wide level.