patrilinearidade related Blog post | Land Portal
Existem 40 itens de conteúdo relacionados a patrilinearidade no Land Portal.
Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown
3 Junho 2022
Maaike van den Berg
Mr. Neil Sorensen

Para que as intervenções de governança da terra sejam equitativas e sustentáveis, o papel da mulher deve ser ativamente trazido para o primeiro plano. Mas, como se faz isso? E, como você mede isso? Estas são questões colocadas dentro do programa  LAND-at-scale. 

26 Maio 2022
Miss Olipa Katongo Kunda

Just like many African countries, a majority of Zambian tribes follow a matrilineal system, that is, an affinity system in which descent is derived through maternal instead of paternal lines which essentially means children are recognised by the names or family of their mothers. This does not only affect decent but also involves the inheritance of titles and property including land through the female line. One might ask why women have less access and control of land in Zambia when land and property is inherited through maternal lines.


Tribal people walk with their belongings in Tarapur village, about 87 km (54 miles) south from the western Indian city of Ahmedabad July 13, 2007. REUTERS/Amit Dave (INDIA)
8 Março 2021
Shipra Deo

In Jharkhand, eastern India, women are not entitled to own land and accusations of witchcraft are wielded against them to silence their claims to land

When Talabitti’s husband died in 2016, her claim to the family land seemed to die with him. Though her husband had worked the family land by himself, upon his death his male cousins laid their claim. If Talabitti attempted to make a competing claim, they threatened to drive her away – with violence, if necessary. Sadly, this threat materialized.

Why Women Farmers Deserve the Right to Identity
18 Outubro 2019
Shipra Deo

On the 2019 International Day of Rural Women, Landesa’s Shipra Deo explores how land rights are an essential element for overturning misperceptions about the role of women in society and on the farm.

In a workshop with a group of agronomists who work in agriculture extension in India, I ask the participants to draw the picture of a farmer with whom they work. All but one of them draw male figures.


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