registro de imóveis related Blog post | Land Portal
Existem 77 itens de conteúdo relacionados a registro de imóveis no Land Portal.

registro de imóveis

The land registry is a database comprised of property rights and interests. In theory, it is held within the land agency and should include records of ownership (also known as the title or deed) for all registered land parcels within a jurisdiction, be it at the municipal, county or national level.

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17 Maio 2023

No cabe duda que uno de los problemas más serios y sensibles, que afecta de manera decisiva tanto a agricultores como a comunidades, es la falta de formalización de sus derechos de la propiedad de la tierra. Para enfrentar esta situación se han implementado programas de titulación de tierras a lo largo de los últimos treinta años, pero una serie de dificultades no han permitido que esta tarea sea culminada.

17 Fevereiro 2021
Mr. Erfan Ali
Norte de África

تُعرَّف تنمية القدرات بأنها "العملية التي يحصل من خلالها الأفراد والمنظمات والمجتمعات على القدرات و العمل على  تقويتها والحفاظ عليها لوضع أهداف التنمية الخاصة بهم وتحقيقها بمرور الوقت" منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية (2006).


تعد تنمية القدرات أمرًا مهمًا للغاية في المنطقة العربية لنضمن أن إدارة الأراضي و مواردها  تتماشى مع تحديات العصر الحالي،


Geographia Technica

 Geographia Technica is a journal devoted to the publication of all papers on all aspects of the use of technical and quantitative methods in geographical research. It aims at presenting its readers with the latest developments in G.I.S technology, mathematical methods applicable to any field of geography, territorial micro-scalar and laboratory experiments, and the latest developments induced by the measurement techniques to the geographical research.

Survey Review

Survey Review (ISSN -0039-6265 (print); ISSN 1752-2706 (online) is an international journal which has been published since 1931, and in recent years under the auspices of the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE). It has been published continuously as a quarterly journal, bringing together a wide range of papers on research, theory, practice and management in land and engineering surveying. All papers are independently assessed by two referees and come from government, private industry and academic organisations world-wide.

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