Manuals & Guidelines | Land Portal

The Manuals and Guidelines-resource type on the Land Portal brings together all the types of resources that aim to provide some sort of capacity building or learning-functions. Different terminologies are used by different organizations and institutions, such as frameworks, how-to-documents, guides, manuals, guidelines and general principles.

Manuais e Diretrizes
Abril 2021

Si, à l’échelle mondiale, la population est majoritairement urbaine, la plupart des pays d’intervention de l’AFD sont profondément ruraux, avec une population rurale qui représente jusqu’à 70 % à 80 % de la population.

Manuais e Diretrizes
Artigos e Livros
Março 2024
Costa do Marfim

Le guide pour la conversion en agriculture biologique

L’agriculture biologique est une opportunité économique pour les agriculteurs. Pourtant, cette opportunité peut être très risquée pour les producteurs et générer une chute des rendements brutale.

Manuais e Diretrizes
Janeiro 2022

The Climate Risk Planning and Managing Tool for Development Programmes in the Agriculture and Food Sector (CRISP) project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), aims to address the shortfall in climate risk screening tools.

Manuais e Diretrizes
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Maio 2024

Au Nord Cameroun, plusieurs projets se sont succédés au fil du temps et ont promu des innovations techniques et technologiques contribuant au développement durable des systèmes agrosylvopastoraux. En parallèle, on constate régulièrement d’une part la duplicité des actions par les promoteurs de projet, et d’autre part le ralentissement ou l’arrêt des activités après la fin des projets.

normas de género en la agricultura familiar y campesina
Manuais e Diretrizes
Abril 2024
América Latina e Caribe

El estudio pretende comprender las normas sociales relacionadas con el género que afectan a las mujeres en la agricultura familiar y campesina en términos de sus capacidades productivas, acceso a servicios y mercados, y toma de decisiones.El estudio se llevó a cabo en el marco del Programa conjunto sobre enfoques de género transformadores para lograr la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, en

A learning guide for civil society organizations
Manuais e Diretrizes
Maio 2022

This learning guide provides civil society organizations (CSOs) with a methodology and a set of materials to undertake training on the VGGT and SSF Guidelines with civil society actors from the grassroots to the national level. Trainees will learn how to apply the VGGT to actual tenure governance challenges.

Model Contract Clauses for Responsible Investment in Agriculture
Manuais e Diretrizes
Outubro 2023

The IISD Model Clauses aim to support agricultural investment negotiators, state lawyers, and policy-makers in helping achieve their country’s sustainable development objectives for investment in agriculture and food systems. The IISD Model Clauses are primarily designed to inform the drafting of investor–state contracts.

Manuais e Diretrizes
Maio 2023

This document shares emerging ideas, principles, and good practices to socialize the concept of Community Monitoring among companies and investors in land-based sectors, as well as outline steps they can take to meaningfully engage with Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and Afro-descendant Peoples to monitor and respond to the potential environmental and human rights impacts of their opera

A guide for small-scale farmers and their advocates
Manuais e Diretrizes
Setembro 2022
América Latina e Caribe

This guide is intended to support smallholder farmers, and advocates working closely with them, in exercising more agency and living more independently according to their own priorities. It aims to assist smallholders in making free choices in relation to farm production, markets and trade.

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