| Land Portal
Existem 7 itens de conteúdo relacionados a contratos de pastagem no Land Portal.
Manuais e Diretrizes
Agosto 2019

Date: Août 2019 

Source: FarmlandgrabCCSI

Consent is Everybody's Business: Why banks need to act on free, prior and informed consent
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Agosto 2019
África do Sul
Estados Unidos
Papua-Nova Guiné

A community’s choice to give, or withhold, their free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) to a project or activity planned to take place on their land is a recognized right of Indigenous peoples under international law. It is also a best practice principle that applies to all communities affected by projects or activities on the land, water and forests that they rely on.

Cover photo
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Outubro 2011

TNRF, UCRT and Maliasili Initiatives have published, From Promise to Performance?: Wildlife Mangement Areas in Northern Tanzania.  The summary provides an overview of findings of two studies recently carried out by TNRF on the current status and performance of three WMAs in northern Tanzania, in Arusha and Manyara regions 

Artigos e Livros
Janeiro 2008

There is growing degradation in sylvo-pastoral lands that were originally under common property regimes, but over which the state now asserts ownership. User associations are being given the right to take charge of regulating how these areas are sustainably exploited by means of use agreements, and are proving an effective instrument in halting the degradation process.

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