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Legislações e Políticas
Abril 1990
Hong Kong

Preamble: "Hong Kong has been part of the territory of China since ancient times; it was occupied by Britain after the Opium War in 1840.  On 19 December 1984, the Chinese and British Governments signed the Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong, affirming that the Government of the People's Republic of China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong with effect from 1 July

Legislações e Políticas
Março 1990

The State Law and Order Restoration Council -
The Law Amending the Electricity Law -
(The State Law and Order Restoration council Law No. 3/90) -
The 12th Waxing Day of Tabaung, 1351 M.E.
(7th March, 1990)

Legislações e Políticas
Dezembro 1988

This document includes the forms used in the procedure...Procedures relating to the Union of Myanmar Foreign Investment Law -
The Government of the Union of Myanmar Notification No. 11/88 -
The 14th waning day of Tazaungmon, I350 B.E
(7 December 1988)

Janeiro 1985
África subsariana

The enclosure of open rangeland and its allocation to individuals or groups is a component of many African livestock development projects. In project after project, however, pastoralists have declined to fence or reallocate ownership of their land according to project specifications.

Janeiro 1977
África Oriental

The Constitution of the Republic of Tanzania was ratified in 1977. Since 1977, several amendments have been applied to the original Constitution. Many of these are related to the relationship between the united government and the Zanzibar government. This Constitution shall apply to Mainland Tanzania as well as Tanzania Zanzibar.

Artigos e Livros
Janeiro 1970

In rural areas, land is the basis for agricultural production and the source for securing natural

resources through fishing, hunting, pasturing or other activities. Land is used by many people for

different purposes (e.g. for agricultural production, housing, industry, services and government).

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