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Participatory land use planning in pastoral areas: IPSR Innovation Profile

Dezembro, 2021

Participatory land use planning (PLUP) for pastoral areas overcomes many of the challenges of conventional land use planning including creating hard boundaries around villages or other administrative units, breaking up and limiting
or preventing access to shared grazing lands and water points. PLUP for pastoral areas aims to keep rangelands
and particularly grazing lands intact working across administrative boundaries through joint PLUP agreements strengthening reciprocal relations, collective tenure and good governance and resolving and preventing conflicts

Scientific data for CS-MAP in Cambodia

Dezembro, 2021

The presentation elaborated on the various scientific data used to develop Climate-Smart Mapping and Adaptation Planning (CS-MAP) for Cambodia. These include spatial data for flood risk and drought risk, land cover/land use type, and other spatial data (i.e., administrative boundary, natural resources, satellite images, and topography).

Silvopastoral system restoration under changing climate and land use: improving sustainability and efficiency

Dezembro, 2021

Travelling workshop was conducted during 19–21 October 2022 with total number of 124 participants including farmers from Oued Sbaihia and Gueffaya, Tunisia, experts from ICARDA, the General Directorate of Forests, and the Higher School of Agriculture of Mateur. The main objective of the traveling workshop was to increase awareness of farmers about sustainable silvopastoral restoration under changing climate and land use.

Pathways for food and land use systems to contribute to global biodiversity targets

Dezembro, 2021

Biodiversity flourishes in areas where natural processes, such as plant and animal reproduction and dispersion, take place without human interruption. At present, we estimate that such land where natural processes predominate (LNPP) covers 56% of terrestrial land. Here, the evolution of global biodiversity is modelled, as indicated by LNPP, for two scenarios for food and land-use systems change to 2050: a “Current Trends” pathway, based on current policies and historical trends, and a “Sustainable” pathway, depicting ambitious assumptions aimed at sustainable development.

Quantification of economically feasible mitigation potential from agriculture, forestry and other land uses in Mexico

Dezembro, 2021

Countries often lack methods for rapidly, but robustly determining greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation actions and their impacts comprehensively in the land use sector to support commitments to the Paris Agreement. We present rapid assessment methods based on easily available spatial data and adoption costs for mitigation related to crops, livestock and forestry to identify priority locations and actions.

Understanding systemic land use dynamics in conflict-affected territories: The cases of Cesar and Caquetá, Colombia

Dezembro, 2021

In the Colombian context, disputes over natural resources, mainly over land, and poor governance are intertwined with armed conflict. Although efforts to address this situation, including the 2016 peace agreement signed between Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC, by Spanish acronym) are underway, these disputes continue, affecting land use dynamics. Understanding the complexity and trends in land use conflicts, as well as the specific regional characteristics underlying differing land use changes across regions, is critical.

Impact of landscape management scenarios on ecosystem service values in Central Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2021

This study aimed at modeling scenarios of future land use and land cover (LULC) change and estimating ecosystem service (ES) values for the year 2051 compared to 2021 in Central Ethiopia. The future LULC changes for the year 2051 were simulated for four scenarios, namely Business-as-Usual (BAU), Rapid Agricultural Expansion (RAE), Ecosystems Protection and Agricultural Development (EPAD) and Landscape Ecosystems Restoration and Conservation (LERC).

Soil carbon storage potential of acid soils of Colombia's Eastern High Plains

Dezembro, 2021

Improving soil organic carbon (SOC) storage enhances soil quality and mitigates climate change. Agricultural and livestock specialists increasingly view tropical grasslands as a potential target for storing more soil carbon while boosting productivity. Earlier research in the 1990s showed the promise of improving SOC storage in the Eastern High Plains of Colombia. But these studies were limited to two experimental stations, without focusing on conditions on farms or under variable management.

Ecosystem service valuation along landscape transformation in Central Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2021

Land degradation and discontinuation of ecosystem services (ES) are a common phe nomenon that causes socio-economic and environmental problems in Ethiopia. However, a dearth of information is known about how ES are changing from the past to the future with regard to land use land cover (LULC) changes. This study aimed at estimating the values of ES based on the past and future LULC changes in central Ethiopia.

Caractéristiques et stock de carbone de la végétation ligneuse des systèmes d’utilisation des terres de la commune de Coumbacara (Kolda, Sénégal)

Dezembro, 2021

Forest degradation causes carbon loss and indirectly contributes to climate change. Thus, the objective of this study is to assess the contribution of land use systems in the commune of Coumbacara to climate change mitigation through an estimate of woody diversity and their carbon stock. Thus, an inventory of woody vegetation was carried out on 72 plots of 30 m x 30 m in the forests adjacent to the fields and 50 m x 50 m in the hut and bush fields.

Water reuse to free up freshwater for higher-value use and increase climate resilience and water productivity

Dezembro, 2021

The impact of climate change on the availability of water affects all types of land use and sectors. This complexity calls for integrated water resources management and negotiations between sectors on the most important, cost-effective, and productive allocation of water where it is a limited resource.