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coronavirus disease

COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus SARS-Cov-2, which had not been previously identified in humans.

Exibindo 21 - 30 de 56
Rollback in the time of COVID-19 - Indonesia country report
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Fevereiro 2021

This paper highlights the ways that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected and disenfranchised indigenous peoples and forest communities in Indonesia. The lack of adequate protection of the rights of indigenous peoples and their territories before the pandemic has been made worse by a lack of protection during the pandemic.

Rolling back social and environmental safeguards: Global Report
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Fevereiro 2021

This crucial report demonstrates how states and other actors are using the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to roll back social and environmental safeguards. In doing so, they are eroding the rights of indigenous peoples in the five most tropically forested countries of the world

Documentos e relatórios de conferência
Novembro 2020
América Latina e Caribe

Esta memoria recoge las ponencias de los especialistas y representantes de organizaciones de la sociedad civil que participaron en el XI Foro de la Tierra ALC denominado “Desigualdad en América Latina y el Caribe: impacto y propuestas para la gobernanza de la tierra” , realizado del martes 13 al viernes 16 de octubre de forma virtual debido a la situación de emergencia sanitaria mundial por la

Informal settlements and access to data in the time of COVID: a case for sharing data for decision making
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Novembro 2020
África austral

The spread of COVID-19 in South Africa and other countries in the region has again brought to the fore the fact that very dense, under-serviced, mostly informal, settlements are not healthy places to live. They are also places where the spread of a disease is difficult to prevent or manage.

Relatórios e Pesquisa
Outubro 2020

India is currently among the most affected countries by COVID19, recording over 6 million cases, by September 30 2020. The pandemic and lockdown measures have had a drastic impact on a large population of poor and marginalisedcommunities, causing loss of livelihoods and employment, food insecurity and socio-economic distress.

Effectiveness of community forest user groups (CFUGs) in responding to the 2015 earthquakes and COVI
Publicação revisada por pares
Outubro 2020

Natural disasters and pandemics are evolving as major global threats that are posing an enormous challenge to socio- economic and environmental wellbeing.

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Banco Mundial/Scott Wallace
8 Setembro 2022
Guiné Equatorial
São Tomé e Príncipe
Cabo Verde

Crise da pandemia, impactos na economia e baixa expectativa de vida afetaram as nações lusófonas; Portugal está na posição mais alta do grupo de nove economias, enquanto Moçambique está mais abaixo. 

Andressa Cabral Botelho/ISA
26 Agosto 2022
América do Sul

Ato Aquilombar 2022, que reuniu mais de três mil quilombolas em Brasília, em defesa dos territórios tradicionais. Foto:  Andressa Cabral Botelho/ISA

Ato Aquilombar e Feira de Sementes e Mudas Quilombolas marcaram o mês de agosto. Saiba essa e outras notícias socioambientais no Fique Sabendo desta quinzena

 PH Reinaux
8 Agosto 2022
América do Sul

O Plenário do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) confirmou, por maioria de votos, liminar concedida em junho pelo ministro Luís Roberto Barroso para suspender despejos e desocupações até 31/10, em razão da pandemia da covid-19.

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