The State Law and Order Restoration Council -
The Law Amending the Electricity Law -
(The State Law and Order Restoration council Law No. 3/90) -
The 12th Waxing Day of Tabaung, 1351 M.E.
(7th March, 1990)
This document includes the forms used in the procedure...Procedures relating to the Union of Myanmar Foreign Investment Law -
The Government of the Union of Myanmar Notification No. 11/88 -
The 14th waning day of Tazaungmon, I350 B.E
(7 December 1988)
The 7th waning day of Tazaungmon, 1350 B.E.
(30th November, 1988).....Repealed by the Foreign Investment Law of 2 November 2012, The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 21/2012.
Pyithu Hluttaw Act 1, 1987
This manual is designed to give detailed, practical advice on the various methodologies of organic recycling. Blue-green algae form a self-sufficient system which is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen in organic forms and which grows upon a free water surface. It is thus ideally suited for…