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Reports & Research
Novembro 2014

The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) is a major international initiative with a vision ‘to improve global governance of the limited soil resources of the planet in order to guarantee healthy and productive soils for a food secure world, as well as sustain other essential ecosystem services’. The…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2013

The Persian Long-tailed Desert Lizard, Mesalina watsonana , is one of the most common and most widely distributed lizards on the Iranian Plateau extending from Iran to Pakistan and Afghanistan. The species is frequently encountered in various types of habitats. We collected over 600…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2013

The Annual Report of FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme covers programme and projects activities undertaken during May 2011 - January 2013.

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2013

This paper was prepared within the “Cooperatives and their alternatives” component of the Agrarian Structures Initiative (ASI) which a regional program of FAO in Europe and Central Asia. The purpose of this paper is to introduce Central Asian policy makers to the Western paradigm of service…

Agosto 2013

The study reviews the living standards
in Turkmenistan, shaped by the Soviet legacy - whose income
levels in 1989 were below the socially acceptable minimum -;
by the economic decline throughout the 1990s, until recent

Junho 2013

Turkmenistan's unique approach to
land reform and farm restructuring has produced a
significant shift to individual or household-based farming,
with more than three-quarters of the arable land leased to

Dezembro 2012

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is sparking renewed interest and debate on issues such as transparency of government – company contracts, reporting on revenues from natural resources by company and by project, and reporting on revenue expenditure. An overarching concern…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2012

Central Asia has experienced drastic socio-economic, geopolitical, and ecological transitions within the last few decades. The USSR collapse in 1991 has led to widespread changes in land cover and land use due to economic and political transformations within the region. Management practices…

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro 2012

Central Asia is one of the most vulnerable regions on the planet earth to global climate change, depending on very fragile natural resources. The Soviet legacy has left the five countries (Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) with a highly integrated system but they…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2012

Meeting Name: European Commission on Agriculture
Meeting symbol/code: ECA 37/12/3
Session: Sess. 37

Reports & Research
Outubro 2012

The Emergency Irrigation Rehabilitation Project (EIRP)-UTF/AFG/035/AFG started in April 2004 and concluded in December 2011. The project was funded by the World Bank (WB) through one credit and three grants provided to the Government of Afghanistan (GoA) for implementation through the Ministry…

Reports & Research
Julho 2012

This issue of Caravan describes the new program, and some of the research innovations it will build on. The issue begins with two ‘opinion pieces’ by scientists from partner organizations in the CRP. They share lessons learnt from past successes (and failures), and ideas that could be applied to…