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Showing items 2233 through 2241 of 73534.This Act concerns the protection of listed building and the designation and protection of conservation areas.
This Act provides with respect to local government in Papua New Guinea and declares that purposes of Local-level Government and of a Local-level Government are public purposes for the purpose of Section 53 (unjust deprivation of property) of the Constitution.
For the purpose of the present Act "Northern Flood Agreement" means the Agreement dated December 16, 1977 and concluded between a) Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, b) Her Majesty the Queen in right of Manitoba, c) the Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board, and d) the Northern Flood Committee Inc
La presente Ley de Tierras de Puerto Rico tiene por objetivo último fomentar el bienestar de los habitantes de Puerto Rico a través de la estabilidad económica, justicia social y libertad económica de agricultores, trabajadores y habitantes en general en la zona rural del país, proveyendo una mej
La présente loi fixe le régime national de la normalisation et de la certification des produits, biens et services à Madagascar.
This Act makes provision with respect to exploration for and exploitation of mineral resources, underground waters, geothermal deposits and related matters.
This Regional Law regulates legal regime, the modalities of allotment, turnover of agricultural land, including land shares in common property, and is aimed at the prevention of reduction of agricultural land area as a result of transfer thereof to other categories of land, degradation or decreas
En esta Ley se reconocen los derechos de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas del Estado de Oaxaca. Sus disposiciones constituyen prerrogativas mínimas para la existencia, pervivencia, dignidad y bienestar de dichos pueblos y comunidades indígenas.
Esta Ley tiene por objeto normar las funciones relativas al Catastro de los bienes inmuebles ubicados en el territorio del Estado de Oaxaca, estableciendo las bases para su organización administrativa.
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