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Showing items 8425 through 8433 of 73602.Abstract L’articolo intende descrivere con riguardo alle compravendite di abitazioni acquistate con mutuo e sulla base dei dati disponibili all’Osservatorio del mercato immobiliare dell’Agenzia delle entrate, le relazioni tra le principali variabili afferenti il mutuo (numero di abitazioni acquis
Proved the concept and nature of the environmental safety of life of the urban population.
The emergence of GIS and the availability of high resolution geographic data have improved our ability to investigate the residential segregation in cities and to identify the temporal changes of the spatial phenomena.
La comprensión del río Mapocho como un simple cauce por el que circula agua, y eje de parques yuxtapuestos ya no sería suficiente para su integración a la región urbana en la perspectiva de la habitabilidad sustentable.
In the paper all the main positive and negative factors in particular the rational use and protection of land are analyzed. The system of common environmental criteria optimization of land use in terms of radiation contamination is presented.
Nelle società contemporanee i conflitti territoriali sono ormai diventati più frequenti e diffusi dei conflitti sociali.
Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a percepção, sobre inovação, dos gestores das MPE’s turísticas no bairro da Praia Grande, Centro Histórico de São Luís-MA.
This paper tracks the evolution of the area covered by the dehesa in Sierra Morena from the mid 20th
century to the present day, in an attempt to identify those areas in which traditional land uses still hold
The formation of ‘Urban Networks’ has become a wide-spread phenomenon around the world. In the study of metropolitan regions, there are competing or diverging views about management and control of environmental and land-use factors as well as about scales and arrangements of settlements.
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