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29 Julho 2022
philippines-finance-climat.jpeg \ Ezra Acayan/ AFD
philippines-finance-climat.jpeg \ Ezra Acayan/ AFD

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LandLibrary Resource

2020 teve recorde de mortes de ativistas ambientais; Brasil fica em 4º no ranking

13 Setembro 2021
Edison Veiga
Levantamento realizado por ONG listou 20 casos brasileiros; em metade deles, as vítimas foram indígenas ou ribeirinhos
Pelo segundo ano consecutivo, 2020 registrou recorde de assassinatos de ativistas ambientais e do direito à terra no planeta: foram 227, segundo relatório divulgado nesta semana pela organização não governamental Global Witness. Do total, 75% dos casos foram registrados na América Latina.
O Brasil aparece em 4º, com 20 vítimas — metade delas de povos tradicionais, sendo oito indígenas e dois ribeirinhos.

PHILIPPINES: New Project to Help Provide Individual Land Titles to 750,000 Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries

26 Junho 2020

WASHINGTON, June 26, 2020 – Around 750,000 people are expected to gain improved land tenure security and stable property rights through a new project that will facilitate land titles for over 1.3 million hectares of land that was granted as part of the Philippines’ Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).


Thirty-five New Country Portfolios Feature Breadth of Land Governance Challenges

02 Dezembro 2021



(02.12.2021) The Land Portal Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of thirty-five new country portfolios as part of the Country Insights Initiative, which seeks to expand knowledge about how countries govern their land, the challenges they face, and the innovative solutions they find to manage land tenure issues.



DAR hopes budget restored for land titling project

17 Novembro 2021

MANILA – The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) is hoping its proposed budget for 2022 for its land titling project will be restored during the bicameral committee deliberation of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

In an interview with the Philippine News Agency on Wednesday, DAR Secretary Bernie Cruz appealed to the House members to heed the call of the senators pushing for the restoration of the Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT) Project to its original amount.


Thirty-five New Country Portfolios Feature Breadth of Land Governance Challenges

02 Dezembro 2021



(02.12.2021) The Land Portal Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of thirty-five new country portfolios as part of the Country Insights Initiative, which seeks to expand knowledge about how countries govern their land, the challenges they face, and the innovative solutions they find to manage land tenure issues.


LandLibrary Resource

Thirty-five New Country Portfolios Feature Breadth of Land Governance Challenges

02 Dezembro 2021



(02.12.2021) The Land Portal Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of thirty-five new country portfolios as part of the Country Insights Initiative, which seeks to expand knowledge about how countries govern their land, the challenges they face, and the innovative solutions they find to manage land tenure issues.


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