Would you like to join efforts with the Land Portal in building an information and data ecosystem on land governance? | Land Portal

Second call for expressions of interest: national or regional information and data partnerships on land

The Land Portal Foundation is looking for national or regional partners to build an information and data ecosystem on land governance. The Land Portal Foundation is particularly interested in working with well-established information providers or land-related organizations who want to further develop their information services. The aim of each partnership is to create a sustainable connection between the collection and use of content at specific locations and the aggregation of content from all levels and promoting its use globally. The purpose of the partnership will be to increase the availability and accessibility of land-related content from the global south by developing shared approaches and standards for data sharing and exchange. The Land Portal is interested in forging long-term collaborations.

Key criteria for partners:

  • You have a high awareness of the importance of information and data and a strong commitment to managing and using it within your activities.  
  • You are committed to Open Data and willing to share your content with an ecosystem of information providers;
  • You are a well-established information provider functioning on a national or regional level.
  • You are composed of a network or a federation of organizations and have the ability to build capacity among your network.
  • You either are focused on land issues or have a strong land component to your work.
  • You are interested in the potential of a long term partnership with the Land Portal Foundation and the possibility of more extensive collaboration.

Mutual benefits of partnering with the Land Portal Foundation

The Land Portal Foundation is interested in:

  • Building the capacity of local partners for using information and data openly.
  • Integrating local content about land issues, including statistical information on land ownership, concessions, transactions and land rights, as well as other content, such as publications, videos, news and reports into country pages, the Land Book and the Land Library.
  • The engagement of local partners in stimulating and participating in debates about land issues at a national, regional or global levels.
  • Cooperation with local partners in developing the land information ecosystem locally and globally.

The Land Portal Foundation offers:

  • Technical assistance and advice, especially related to (Linked) Open Data (LOD), which means making content openly available through open licenses and open formats.
  • Global content and comparative content from similar countries.
  • Guidance and help in making use of information to achieve strategic goals.
  • Data modelling and integration.
  • Guidelines and capacity support to make the content openly available.
  • Funds to cover technical development for improving data and the sharing of data.
  • Communications support and promotion of content.
  • An expansive global network.

The Land Portal Foundation continuously seeks to extend the range and quality of the services it offers to others. It is in this context that the Land Portal Foundation is interested in partnering with motivated organizations to share good quality information on which land policy, at national and global levels, can be based. It is essential that partners are genuinely interested in and committed to collaborating with the Land Portal Foundation.

By being a Land Portal Foundation partner, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Share statistical data or metadata for bibliographic data but also other content such as maps, charts, media content etc., and contribute to the collaborative development of a shared open data architecture. The purpose of this is to promote effective content sharing, reduce duplication and increase the visibility and reach of content by allowing partners and third party providers to easily access content that can be represented and tailored to their own audiences and contexts.
  • Develop shared approaches to the sourcing, quality assurance and categorization of data and information sources.
  • Develop supportive and sustainable working approaches to share learning and build capacity.

The Land Portal and its partners will work together to:

  • Assure the quality of content and services.
  • Establish shared approaches to communications and monitoring and evaluation.
  • Collaborate on technical innovation and potentially joint fundraising.
  • Engage in cross promotion of partners and their content.

Partners will be identified through a tendering process. Interested organizations are invited to submit expressions of interest.

Potential partners should submit this form, describing what information you have to offer and how you would benefit by collaborating with the Land Portal.


Contacts and questions

Please address any inquiries by email to:

Laura Meggiolaro, Land Portal Coordinator

Land Portal Foundation

Email: laura.meggiolaro@landportal.info  and cc to lisette.meij@landportal.info



The deadline for submissions of expressions of interest is 20 November, 2016.


This work is supported by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) as part of the Land: Enhancing Governance for Economic Development (LEGEND) program, which is a DFID global program designed to mobilize knowledge and capacity for design and delivery of new country programs, improve land governance as an essential and inclusive basis for economic development, and strengthen land and property rights at scale.


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Várias notícias relacionadas à governança da terra são publicadas no Land Portal todos os dias pelos nossos usuários, partindo de várias fontes, como organizações de notícias e outras instituições e indivíduos, representando uma diversidade de posições sobre cada tópico. Os direitos autorais estão na origem do artigo; a fundação não tem o direito legal de editar ou corrigir o artigo, nem endossar o seu conteúdo. Para fazer correções ou solicitar permissão para republicar ou outro uso autorizado deste material, entre em contato com o detentor dos direitos autorais.

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