Government of Ireland | Page 25 | Land Portal



Celtic tribes arrived on the island between 600 and 150 B.C. Invasions by Norsemen that began in the late 8th century were finally ended when King Brian BORU defeated the Danes in 1014. Norman invasions began in the 12th century and set off more than seven centuries of Anglo-Irish struggle marked by fierce rebellions and harsh repressions. The Irish famine of the mid-19th century saw the population of the island drop by one third through starvation and emigration. For more than a century after that the population of the island continued to fall only to begin growing again in the 1960s. Over the last 50 years, Ireland's high birthrate has made it demographically one of the youngest populations in the EU. The modern Irish state traces its origins to the failed 1916 Easter Monday Uprising that touched off several years of guerrilla warfare resulting in independence from the UK in 1921 for 26 southern counties; six northern (Ulster) counties remained part of the UK. Unresolved issues in Northern Ireland erupted into years of violence known as the "Troubles" that began in the 1960s. The Government of Ireland was part of a process along with the UK and US Governments that helped broker what is known as The Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland in 1998. This initiated a new phase of cooperation between the Irish and British Governments. Ireland was neutral in World War II and continues its policy of military neutrality. Ireland joined the European Community in 1973 and the euro-zone currency union in 1999. The economic boom years of the Celtic Tiger (1995-2007) saw rapid economic growth, which came to an abrupt end in 2008 with the meltdown of the Irish banking system. Today the economy is recovering, fueled by large and growing foreign direct investment, especially from US multi-nationals.

Ireland is a parliamentary republic.

Source: CIA World Factbook

Government of Ireland Resources

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Library Resource
Irlanda, Europa, Europa Setentrional

These Rules prescribe the practice and procedures to be followed and the forms to be used in the District Court proceedings. Various actions of the Court or before the court are prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992 and concern protection of the environment and control of pollution. There are also actions in relation with ejectment proceedings, entry upon land and other matters relating to the (infringement) of rights relating to land.

Library Resource
Irlanda, Europa, Europa Setentrional

These Regulations carry into effect in Ireland Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment insofar as the Directive relates to plans and programmes in all of the sectors listed in article 3(2) of the Directive except land-use planning. The Regulations concern the consideration of the likely significant effects on the environment of such plans and programmes.

Library Resource
Irlanda, Europa, Europa Setentrional

These Regulations carry into effect in Ireland Directive 2001/42/EC of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment insofar as the Directive relates to land-use planning. The Regulations concern the consideration of the likely significant effects on the environment of specified public development plans. The Regulations prescribe procedures and contents of environmental reporting, monitoring and assessment in relation to each type of plan. A consideration of transboundary environmental effects in specified cases is also made.

Library Resource

An Act to amend and extend the Land Purchase Acts.

Irlanda, Europa, Europa Setentrional

An Act to provide for various matters relative to the purchase of land such as the redemption of the purchase price, set-off of payments, production of a certificate proving that all annuity payments are paid in case of transfer of land, vesting orders, etc.

Implemented by: Land Purchase Acts Rules 2012 (No. 260 of 2012). (2012-07-19)
Amends: Land Act, 1950. (2000-08-15)

Library Resource
Irlanda, Europa, Europa Setentrional

Part 1 of the Second Schedule to the Local Government (Planning and Development) Regulations, 1994 (S.I. No. 86 of 1994) is hereby amended by the substitution of the following for the part of the said Schedule relating to the development within the curtilage of a dwelling house. changes made relate to Class 1 of Part 1 of the Second Schedule (domestic extensions).

Amends: Local Government (Planning and Development) Regulations, 1994. (1994-04-14)

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