Displaying 6 - 10 of 34Land Titles Act, 2015 (S.Y. 2015, c. 10).
The present Act provides for a framework to protect the integrity of the land titles system in Yukon, to secure interests of property owners, and provide new economic development options. Furthermore, the Act establishes a new mechanism for registering settlement land while safeguarding aboriginal rights and title. This will create new residential and commercial development opportunities. The Land Title Office shall keep pace with the volume and complexity of modern land dealings in Yukon and provide more accessible land titles information.
Subdivision Act (R.S.Y. 2002, c. 209).
The present Act provides for the subdivision of land or the reconfiguration of any privately titled lot. This includes dividing land into additional parcels, combining two or more lots into one, lot enlargements, making boundary adjustments, condominium surveys and in some cases, long term leases. Whoever proposes such a subdivision must apply to the approving officer for approval of a plan of subdivision in the manner prescribed by the Regulations. Also the creation of a new parcel of land from unsurveyed Yukon Land needs a subdivision approval. The text consists of 27 sections.
Subdivision Regulations (Y.O.I.C. 1999/77).
The present Regulations are made under the Subdivision Act. In particular, the Regulations lay down provisions relating to the efficient and correction enforcement of the afore-mentioned Act, especially as application procedures are concerned. The text consists of 28 sections divided into 3 Pars as follows: Interpretation (1); Administrative procedures (2); Requirements for subdivision (3). One Schedule is enclosed. .
Implements: Subdivision Act (R.S.Y. 2002, c. 209). (2015)
Dredging Regulation (Y.O.I.C. 2003/55).
The present Regulation is made under the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to mining dredges to extract gold from river beds. Section 2 establishes that the Minister may issue leases to any person applying for them granting the exclusive right to dredge for minerals in the submerged bed of any river. The text consists of 17 sections and 1 Schedule.
Implements: Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act (S.Y. 2003, c. 17). (2014)
Access to Information Regulation (Y.O.I.C. 1996/053).
The present Regulation is made under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. In particular, the Regulation establishes that for the disclosure of information fees have to be paid. The text consists of 9 sections.
Implements: Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (R.S.Y. 2002, c. 1). (2016)