Focal point
The Online Burma/Myanmar Library (OBL) is a non-profit online research library mainly in English and Burmese serving academics, activists, diplomats, NGOs, CSOs, CBOs and other Burmese and international actors. It is also, of course, open to the general public. Though we provide lists of Burma/Myanmar news sources, the Library’s main content is not news but in-depth articles, reports, laws, videos and links to other websites, We provide a search engine (database and full text) and an alphabetical list of categories and sub-categories, but the Library is best accessed through browsing the 100 or so categories which lead to sub- and sub-sub categories. These tools should be used in combination.
Displaying 186 - 190 of 1151Analysis of the Affected Communities’ Rights and Remedies Under Myanmar Law and JICA’s Guidelines English, Burmese (မြန်မာဘာသာ)
A briefer on the Thilawa special economic zone....."Twice the Myanmar Government attempted to confiscate residential and farm land for
the Thilawa Special Economic Zone (SEZ), and twice they failed to properly follow Myanmar
laws. In both the 1996/97 and 2013 attempts to confiscate lands, the government and
private parties ignored the procedures and requirements of Myanmar law, including the
Land Acquisition Act. The Myanmar Government failed to properly notify affected
communities or provide adequate compensation for relocation. Furthermore, the Thilawa
Fish, Rice and Agricultural Land Use in Myanmar: Preliminary findings from the Food Security Policy Project
... Food Security Policy Project
• Value chains and livelihoods research
• Mon State rural livelihoods and economy survey
• Fish value chain
• Other product and input value chains assessments
• Policy Advising (e.g. Mon State Rural Development
• Training and Outreach...
Myanmar: Land Tenure Issues and the Impact on Rural Development
"Myanmar’s agricultural sector has for long suffered due to multiplicity of laws and regulations, deficient and degraded infrastructure, poor policies and planning, a chronic lack of credit, and an absence of tenure security for cultivators. These woes negate Myanmar’s bountiful natural endowments and immense agricultural potential, pushing its rural populace towards dire poverty.
Are the Odds for Justice ‘Stacked Against’ Them? Challenges and Opportunities to Securing Land Claims by Smallholder Farmers in Myanmar
"In 2012, the Government of Myanmar (GoM) passed
the Farmland Law and the Vacant, Fallow, Virgin
(VFV) Land Law—creating a formalized land market. In essence, this created a formalized land
market. Land titling is often considered “the natural end point of land rights formalization” (Hall et al.
2010: 35). This thinking has become dominant among most governments and development agencies
ever since De Soto (2000) popularized it in
The Mystery of Capital
, in which he argued that the
6th draft of the Myanmar National Land Use Policy (documents)
[N.B. Only the 1st 2 and the last document were accessible, 30 July 2015] .....
National Land Use Policy 6th Draft (English Version)
English Version(6th draft).pdf...
ဆဌမအကွိမျ မွအေသုံးခမြှု မူဝါဒမူကွမျး (မွနျမာ)
myanmar version (6th draft).pdf...
ESIA (English) PartI...
ESIA (Englsih)PartI.pdf...
ESIA Letpadaung-Summary-Myanmar font...
ESIA Letpadaung-Summary-Myanmar font.pdf...