agricultor | Land Portal




Adecru - Acção Académica Para O Desenvolvimento Das Comunidades Rurai

A Acção Académica para o Desenvolvimento das Comunidades Rurais (ADECRU) é uma organização da sociedade civil fundada em Outubro de 2007 por jovens estudantes universitários, numa acção mobilizadora entre os seus membros e os demais, constituindo-se como uma pessoa colectiva e de direito privado, dotada de uma personalidade jurídica e sem fins lucrativos, cujo objectivo é impulsionar os focos da consciência cidadã e a agenda de desenvolvimento local, promovendo maior envolvimento e interacção entre os vários actores nacionais e internacionais em prol do desenvolvimento d


The Agri-Malawi Magazine is an agricultural focused publication with dynamic online platform with its editorial office based in Blantyre, Malawi with a great network of representative writers and journalist across major cities in the country.

Strengthening the capacities of farmers’ organizations to deliver better, improved, and inclusive services to their members

Bonsucro logo

Bonsucro is a global multistakeholder non-profit organisation that exists to promote sustainable sugarcane production, processing and trade around the world. Bonsucro supports a community of over 500 members in over 40 countries, from all elements of the sugarcane supply chain, including, farmers, millers, traders, buyers and support organisations.

Buhle Farmers' Academy (BFA) is a nonprofit organisation whose mission is to train new and aspiring farmers from across South Africa to run farming businesses that are both profitable and sustainable and to help alleviate poverty by creating jobs in our own agricultural sector.

Over the years, Buhle has developed a number of best practices that, if replicated effectively, would make a huge difference in the transformation of the agricultural sector of our country on a national level.

Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science

From the beginning of 1995 the Agricultural Academy in Bulgaria is publishing Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science (BJAS)® - the first agricultural scientific journal in Bulgaria for fundamental and applied researches, published entirely in English language, and one of the few such journals in Central Europe.

Canadian Agricultural Economics Society logo

Who We Are

The Canadian Agricultural Economics Society (CAES) is an association comprised of individuals with a professional interest in topics related to the economics of agriculture, food, natural resources, and the environment. CAES members include economists and other social science professionals in universities, government, non-government agencies and the private sector, and undergraduate and graduate students. CAES members include Canadians and others, in Canada and elsewhere.

Coalition of Cambodian Farmer Community (CCFC) is a membership-based organization created on January 11th, 2011 by 12 communities (from Kandal, Svay Rieng and Preah Sihanouk) that work together to address land issues; natural resource and forced eviction resulting from development projects effecting on farmers’ lives. By seeing this, CCFC is governed by Executive Committee and advised by general council and advisory board. They are selected by member and authorize to makes decision.

UPA DI s’est donnée pour mission de soutenir la ferme familiale comme modèle d’agriculture durable en appuyant les organisations professionnelles agricoles démocratiques, les systèmes collectifs de mise en marché des produits agricoles et toute autre initiative structurant l’avenir de l’agriculture dans les pays en voie de développement.


La Coordination Nationale des Organisations Paysannes est une organisation socioprofessionnelle à but non lucratif, apolitique, non confessionnelle, non discriminatoire, dotée de la personnalité morale et de l’autonomie financière. Elle est régie par la Loi N° 04-038 / du 05 Août 2004 relative aux associations.

La CNOP a deux fonctions principales, dont une fonction de représentation politique et une fonction de défense des intérêts des producteurs Agricoles

Fonction de représentation politique :

Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria logo

La Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria, Corpoica, es una entidad pública descentralizada de participación mixta sin ánimo de lucro, de carácter científico y técnico, cuyo objeto es desarrollar y ejecutar actividades de Investigación, Tecnología y transferir procesos de Innovación tecnológica al sector agropecuario.


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