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Community / Land projects / Defending tomorrow through historical memory and collective action

Defending tomorrow through historical memory and collective action


02/21 - 11/21


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Extractive policies and practices on the environment and common goods have are producing a serious damage in the northwestern region of Honduras. 31% of the territory is concessioned (approximately 34,900 km2). During last 10 years, 548 natural resource concessions have been awarded at national level, of which 265 are located in this region. There are about 21 hydroelectric projects in indigenous peoples' territories, without social participation and prior consultation. As well as, the agro-industrial model of palm export has continued. The concessions have generated conflicts for the conservation of natural resources. The forced displacements that they entail for the peasant, indigenous and Afro-Honduran communities makes these projects enter into strong opposition to the the needs and rights in local communities, thus becoming in source of social and political conflict. In this context, the proposal is linked to the objectives and achievements of the EU funded regional project (ICD1016) since it will keep issues of defence of land rights on the public agenda. The project is also linked to the "Strategic Plan for integral ecology and food sovereignty" presented by the partner in 2020, inspired in "Laudato Si" and considering the impact of the pandemic in Honduras. The partner will develop strengthening initiatives for accompanied social movements and communities through the design and implementation of legal, protection and advocacy strategies. The expected changes include to increase the awareness on the importance of stronger institutions and the Rule of Law in Honduras to protect land rights defenders. The planned training and participatory research processes aim to empower the targeted communities and defenders.

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