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Community / Land projects / Feed the Future Tajikistan Agriculture and Land Governance (ALG)

Feed the Future Tajikistan Agriculture and Land Governance (ALG)


07/18 - 09/25


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(Tajikistan): The activity supports the U.S. Global Hunger and Food Security strategy to reduce hunger, malnutrition, and poverty of smallholder farmers and families through more productive and efficient agriculture systems, builds resilience of rural communities, and improves the enabling environment to facilitate sustainable nutrition-sensitive agriculture-led growth. The activity will enhance inclusive market driven value chains and support the sustainable development of agriculture extension service systems and service provider networks. It will introduce new technologies to extend crop production through the lean season to increase household income and the availability of nutritious foods before the next harvest. The activity will engage village committees and community agriculture volunteers to strengthen knowledge, skills, and behaviors related to nutrition in all 775 communities in the Feed the Future (FtF) zone of influence. By leveraging public/private resources and partnering with local organizations it will achieve maximum buy-in from communities to increase the production and consumption of nutritious foods to sustainably reduce stunting and undernutrition. It will strengthen existing local institutions to provide diversified services to farmers and households and improve the enabling environment at national and local levels, particularly in land governance. These interventions will strengthen the resilience of smallholder farmers and rural communities by improving adaptation to and recovery from shocks and stresses through the diversification of livelihoods, advancing Tajikistan's self-reliance. This activity contributes to $9 million of the Mission's $11 million Agriculture earmark. .The program supports ICS goal 3.1, and the CAS by strengthening the sovereignty and independence of the Central Asian states, individually and as a group..

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