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Droits de propriété et croissance : l’émergence de la propriété « parfaite » et l’ouverture du marché foncier, moteurs de la croissance agricole?

Journal Articles & Books
января, 2017

Date: février 2017

Source: Foncier & Développement

Par: Gérard Béaur, Jean-Michel Chevet

La question des droits de propriété et du rôle de leur redéfinition dans les processus de croissance est au coeur des interrogations actuelles sur les voies du développement agricole.

The influence of land-use change paradigm on Romania’s agro-food trade competitiveness—An overview

Peer-reviewed publication
января, 2017

The current transformations of the Romanian agricultural sector have imposed new paradigms in using the land resources. The objective of this study is to assess Romanian agro-food products competitiveness on world market, in terms of land use changing paradigms. The research question is whether the land is cultivated with crops which are competitive on world market. For assessing agro-food competitiveness, Balassa index is calculated. The findings show relative performance for barley, maize, triticale, wheat, poultry meat, oilseeds, and tobacco.

Survey of Country Gender Profile (Kingdom of Bhutan)

Reports & Research
января, 2017

International aid communities have recognized women’s participation in development and the improvement of women’s status in the developing countries as a key issue since the 1960s, and the concept of “Women in Development (WID)” has been emphasised as a development agenda in the 1970s. In the 1980s, with the newly proposed concept of “Gender and Development (GAD)”, an effort for “gender mainstreaming” has been regarded as an effective mean for firmly practicing the GAD approach in the international community.

Experiencia de recuperación de tierras en Nuevo Paraíso

Reports & Research
января, 2017

La Asociación Agropecuaria Río Punino se conformó por familias sin tierra de diversos lugares de Ecuador que migraron a la Parroquia Nuevo Paraíso. Ellas comenzaron la regularización del derecho propietario sobre tierras explotadas y abandonadas por MAPRESA-ENDESA. Para legitimar su acceso a la tierra, los campesinos realizaron acciones productivas, organizativas y legales hasta tener sus títulos.

Changing landscapes in Mozambique: why pro-poor land policy matters

Reports & Research
января, 2017

In Mozambique, changes in land access and use are shaping new landscapes, often at the expense of the poor. Despite progressive land legislation, elite groups and vested interests are consolidating land holdings while peasant producers are being dispossessed of their land and access to fertile plots is becoming increasingly difficult. As national and foreign investors seek land for housing, real estate, agriculture, tourism, mining and forestry, what is the state’s role in responding to these increased demands?

Le pastoralisme, un mode de vie résilient face à de nombreux défis

Institutional & promotional materials
января, 2017
South America
Western Africa

L’élevage pastoral et agropastoral (ou pastoralisme) est un système de production basé sur un élevage extensif valorisant majoritairement les parcours naturels. Utilisé par des communautés qui vivent dans des contextes souvent marginaux, il est associé à un mode de vie fondé sur un lien particulier entre l’homme, l’animal et la nature.

Effects of land use change on streamflow and stream water quality of a coastal catchment

Reports & Research
января, 2017
South Africa

This study aimed to link land cover/use change to water quality in an important water supply coastal catchment. The approach followed a spatial and temporal analysis of historical catchment land use change to assess how changes influenced water quality and river flow in the Touws and Duiwe Rivers, southwestern Cape, South Africa. Each sub-catchment has unique characteristics which influence land use and water quality and the purpose was to analyse each one separately.

Pensando la productividad del cacao en clave de la soberanía alimentaria

Policy Papers & Briefs
января, 2017

Pando y Beni, Bolivia
5 de enero del 2017
Pensando la productividad del cacao en clave de la soberanía alimentaria
Karen Mercado Andia 
Economista y maestra en sociología por la Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Participó en varios procesos de investigación sobre violencia/mujeres, medio ambiente y (re)producción social, económica y política de entramados comunitarios. Actualmente es parte del equipo de investigación del IPDRS

Pensando la productividad del cacao en clave de la soberanía alimentaria

Policy Papers & Briefs
января, 2017

Pando y Beni, Bolivia
5 de enero del 2017
Pensando la productividad del cacao en clave de la soberanía alimentaria
Karen Mercado Andia 
Economista y maestra en sociología por la Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Participó en varios procesos de investigación sobre violencia/mujeres, medio ambiente y (re)producción social, económica y política de entramados comunitarios. Actualmente es parte del equipo de investigación del IPDRS