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Guinea : Basic Agricultural Public Expenditure Diagnostic Review (2003-2012), Main Report

сентября, 2014

The Guinean government assigns a
crucial role to agriculture in accelerating growth, reducing
poverty, and creating jobs. This role is inscribed in
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) 3, which was
approved by the government in May 2013, following PRSP 2
(2007-2010) and PRSP 1 (2002-2006). As part of the revival
of its agricultural development strategy, the government
through the Ministry of Agriculture expressed its desire for

Regional Impacts of High Speed Rail in China : Baseline Report for a Case Study of Yunfu in Guangdong Province

сентября, 2014

This paper contains an initial
reconnaissance of the situation in Yunfu, prior to the
NanGuang project construction. It provides a brief overview
of the trajectory of economic development in Yunfu from an
economy that was dominated by primary industries to that by
secondary industries. The development of local transport
infrastructure is reviewed, as is the more detailed
structure of local industries, with special emphasis on

The World Bank's GEF Program in the Middle East and North Africa Region : Global Environmental Benefits Contributing to National Development Goals

сентября, 2014

The report focuses on the two decades
of the World Bank - Global Environment Facility (GEF)
partnership with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
countries. This partnership has had a global environmental
impact by working both at the local and national level and
engaging all relevant partners and stakeholders. In
addition, many GEF financed operations stand as examples of
what a more holistic approach can achieve in terms of

Tajikistan - Autonomous Adaptation to Climate Change : Economic Opportunities and Institutional Constraints for Farming Households

сентября, 2014

Climate change presents significant
threats to sustainable poverty reduction in Tajikistan. The
primary impacts on rural livelihoods are expected to stem
from reduced water quantity and quality (affecting
agriculture), and increased frequency and severity of
disasters. Options for farming households to autonomously
adapt (and thereby move from climate vulnerability to
resilience) include adoption of on-farm and off-farm

India : Food Security and Nutrition in Tribal Areas

сентября, 2014

This study seeks to examine how
National Rural Livelihoods Mission or NRLM may be leveraged
to improve food and nutrition security (FNS) in tribal
areas, preferably in a manner that would enhance the
effectiveness of the program's core livelihoods focus.
More broadly, the objective is to strengthen the capacity of
the Government of India (GoI) to deliver (or support)
effective FNS interventions in tribal and backward areas

Promoting Agricultural Growth in Rwanda : Recent Performance, Challenges and Opportunities

сентября, 2014

Rwanda is experiencing its best
growth performance since independence. With average annual
GDP growth rate of 8 percent and 5.2 percent for
agricultural GDP from 1999-2012, Rwanda s recent growth is a
historical record. The poverty headcount fell from 59
percent in 2001 to 45 percent in 2011, and agriculture
continues to be one of the main drivers of growth and
poverty reduction in Rwanda, significantly lifting rural

Regional Impacts of High Speed Rail in China : Spatial Proximity and Productivity in an Emerging Economy

сентября, 2014

This paper contains an initial
reconnaissance of the situation in Yunfu, prior to the
NanGuang project construction. It provides a brief overview
of the trajectory of economic development in Yunfu from an
economy that was dominated by primary industries to that by
secondary industries. The development of local transport
infrastructure is reviewed, as is the more detailed
structure of local industries, with special emphasis on

Mauritania Economic Update, July 2014

сентября, 2014

Real gross domestic product (GDP)
expanded by 6.7 percent in 2013, a modest deceleration from
the 7 percent recorded in the previous year, but well above
the average 4.9 percent rate of growth recorded over the
last ten years. The economy benefited from strong growth in
the agriculture (rebounding from last year's drought),
mining and services sectors, which largely offset weaker
activity in fishing activity. A continuation of these

The Inter-linkages between Rapid Growth in Livestock Production, Climate Change, and the Impacts on Water Resources, Land Use, and Deforestation

сентября, 2014

Livestock systems globally are changing
rapidly in response to human population growth,
urbanization, and growing incomes. This paper discusses the
linkages between burgeoning demand for livestock products,
growth in livestock production, and the impacts this may
have on natural resources, and how these may both affect and
be affected by climate change in the coming decades. Water
and land scarcity will increasingly have the potential to

Africa's Pulse, April 2013 : An Analysis of Issues Shaping Africa's Economic Future

сентября, 2014

This Africa's pulse newsletter
includes the following headings: Sub-Saharan African
countries continue to grow at a steady pace; the
region's decade-long economic expansion appears
sustainable; and for newly resource-rich countries, strong
governance will be key to harnessing resource wealth for development

Fundacion Jalisco Incubator : Mexico Case Study

сентября, 2014

After hearing of the success of
Fundacion Chile, the governor of the Mexican state of
Jalisco sought to recreate the foundation locally. The
result is Fundacion Jalisco, which seeks to import
successful business models to small farmers in Jalisco. For
its first project, the Fundacion imported high-yield
blueberry plants from the United States, started a nursery,
and gave the plants to local farmers who were capable of

Brazil - Forests in the Balance : Challenges of Conservation with Development

сентября, 2014

This case study is one of six
evaluations of the implementation of the World Bank's
1991 Forest Strategy. This and the other cases (Cameroon,
China, Costa Rica, India, and Indonesia) complement a review
of the entire set of lending and nonlending activities of
the World Bank Group and the Global Environment Facility.
The World Bank has clearly diminished its lending presence
in the Amazon in the past decade. It has moved from the