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Displaying 2233 - 2244 of 5078

Assessing the Potential Consequences of Climate Destabilization in Latin America

сентября, 2014

Estimating the potential costs of
climate destabilization is not a trivial matter. Potential
climate impacts have multiple consequences, some of which
can be monetized while others are beyond the reach of
standard economic tools. A full assessment of the
implications of climate impacts often cannot be completed
because many of the consequences are only partly known. This
report summarizes data recently made available, through the

What Happens When the Market Shifts to China? The Gabon Timber and Thai Cassava Value Chains

сентября, 2014

Rapid economic growth in China has
boosted its demand for commodities. At the same time, many
commodity sectors have experienced declining demand from
high-income northern economies. This paper examines two
hypotheses of the consequences of this shift in final
markets for the organization of global value chains in
general, and for the role played in them by southern
producers in particular. The first is that there will be a

Sustainable Woodfuel Supplies from the Dry Tropical Woodlands

сентября, 2014

Dry tropical woodlands provide around 80
percent of the energy needs of both urban and rural
populations in Africa and are of similar importance on a
more localized scale in other areas. They also provide
livestock fodder, building poles and many of the daily needs
of the rural people living in and around them. Concern about
the degradation and depletion of these woodlands date back a
long time. Large numbers of woodfuel projects were launched

Pioneering New Approaches in Support of Sustainable Development in the Extractive Sector : Guidelines for Sustainable Development Assessments

сентября, 2014

These Guidelines attempt to expand on
social impact assessments (SIAs) and other assessment tools,
such as environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and
macro-economic planning processes conducted by government
(local economic development planning), to develop a more
comprehensive set of guidelines that examine positive
impacts as well as opportunities for enhancing
socio-economic development around the proposed development.

India : Alleviating Poverty through Forest Development

Reports & Research
сентября, 2014

This case study, one of six evaluations
in a series of country case studies, aims to understand the
implementation of the 1991 Forest Strategy in World Bank
operations and to obtain the views of the various
stakeholders in the country about the involvement of the
Bank. Each country study examines the overall development of
the country's forest sector. This naturally includes
the environmental impacts on forests, such as degradation,

Indonesia : The Challenges of World Bank Involvement in Forests

сентября, 2014

This case study is one of six
evaluations of the implementation of the World Bank's
1991 Forest Strategy. This and the other cases (Brazil,
Cameroon, China, Costa Rica, and India) complement a review
of the entire set of lending and nonlending activities of
the World Bank Group and the Global Environment Facility. A
review of World Bank assistance to Indonesia in the forest
sector since 1991 faces two challenges. The first is

El Nino or El Peso? Crisis, Poverty, and Income Distribution in the Philippines

сентября, 2014

Using household survey data for 1998, the authors assess the distributional impact of the recent economic crisis in the Philippines. The results suggest that the impact of the crisis was modest, leading to a five percent reduction in average living standards, and a nine percent increase in the incidence of poverty - with larger increases indicated for the depth, and severity of poverty. The greater shock came from El Nino, rather than through the labor market. The labor market shock was progressive (reducing inequality) while El Nino shock was regressive (increasing inequality).

A Globalized Market--Opportunities and Risks for the Poor : Global Poverty Report 2001

сентября, 2014

The Global Poverty Report considers
the effects of globalizing markets on poverty in developing
countries. It outlines the channels through which increased
trade openness can affect poverty and examines the evidence
from four regions: Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific,
Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and Latin America and the
Caribbean. Written at the request of the G8, the report is
the result of a joint effort of the regional development

Taking Stock : An Update on Vietnam's Recent Economic Developments, July 2014

Reports & Research
августа, 2014

Global growth is projected to pick up to 3.4 percent in 2015 and 3.5 percent in 2016, propelled by highincome countries. Developing country growth will benefit from these tailwinds, with growth projected to increase from 4.8 percent in 2014 to 5.5 percent in 2016 broadly in line with potential. Global growth projections for 2014, however, have been marked down from 3.2 percent to 2.8 percent on account of the bumpy start this year, buffeted by poor weather in the United States, financial market turbulence and the conflict in Ukraine.

How resilient are farming households, communities, men and women to a changing climate in Africa?

Reports & Research
августа, 2014
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa
Western Africa

Using a 9-country dataset from sub-Saharan Africa, and integrating quantitative household-level analyses with qualitative work, the paper shows that gender relations affect agricultural practices and adaptation. The women farmers in our sample control less land than men, the land they control is often of poorer quality, and their tenure is insecure. Women, more than men, are dependent on internal village groups, as opposed to organizations operating at regional or national levels.

Seeing is Believing? Evidence from an Extension Network Experiment

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
августа, 2014

Extension services are a keystone of information diffusion in agriculture. This paper exploits a large randomized controlled trial to track diffusion of a new technique in the classic Training and Visit (T&V) extension model, relative to a more direct training model. In both control and treatment communities, contact farmers (CFs) serve as points-of-contacts between agents and other farmers. The intervention (Treatment) aims to address two pitfalls of the T&V model: i) infrequent extension agent visits, and ii) poor quality information.

Climate readiness in smallholder agricultural systems: lessons learned from REDD+

Reports & Research
августа, 2014

The debate around the role that agriculture should play in mitigating climate change and sequestering greenhouse gases is politically complex and technically complicated. In many countries, and particularly in developing countries with a large smallholder population, the agricultural sector faces competing priorities, such as national food security goals, poverty alleviation, addressing natural resource degradation and adapting to the already visible effects of climate change.