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Displaying 3517 - 3528 of 5078

Rising Global Interest in Farmland :
Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits?

марта, 2012

Interest in farmland is rising. And,
given commodity price volatility, growing human and
environmental pressures, and worries about food security,
this interest will increase, especially in the developing
world. One of the highest development priorities in the
world must be to improve smallholder agricultural
productivity, especially in Africa. Smallholder productivity
is essential for reducing poverty and hunger, and more and

From Farm to Firm : Rural-Urban
Transition in Developing Countries

марта, 2012

Around the world, countries are becoming
urbanized at an astonishing pace. As countries develop
economically, their economies shift from mainly rural and
agrarian to increasingly urban and nonagricultural. This
rural-urban transformation presents both opportunities and
challenges for development. When managed effectively, the
transformation spurs growth and reduces poverty. When
managed poorly, however, the process can result in stark

Trusting Trade and the Private
Sector for Food Security in Southeast Asia

марта, 2012

This book challenges policy makers who
oversee the rice sector in Southeast Asia to reexamine
deep-rooted precepts about their responsibilities. As an
essential first step, it calls on them to redefine food
security. Fixating on national self-sufficiency has been
costly and counterproductive. In its stead, coordination and
cooperation can both improve rice production at home and
structure expanding regional trade. To enhance regional food

Development Economics through the

марта, 2012

The World Development Report (WDR) has
become such a fixture that it is easy to forget the
circumstances under which it was born and the Bank's
motivation for producing such a report at that time. In the
first chapter of this essay, the authors provide a brief
background on the circumstances of newly independent
developing countries and summarize some of the main strands
of the emerging field of development economics. This

Serbia - Country Economic Memorandum : The Road to Prosperity - Productivity and Exports, Volume 2. Main Report

марта, 2012

This report looks beyond the current
global financial crisis to the restoration of dynamic
long-run growth in Serbia. The answer in this report is that
Serbia will need to fundamentally alter its growth model to
compete effectively in world markets. The past model relying
on excessive inflows of capital and credit that, in part,
fuelled a consumption boom has run its course in all
European countries. Serbia must shift to a greater export

Quantitative Value Chain Analysis : An Application to Malawi

марта, 2012

The Government of Malawi has since 2005
been pursuing a growth strategy mainly based on increasing
the volume of agricultural exports. This entails that Malawi
should endeavor to improve the competitiveness of its
agricultural commodities so as to gain an increasing share
of the regional and international markets. This paper
analyzes the competitiveness of the country's key
agricultural commodities -- tobacco, maize, cotton, and rice

The Changing Wealth of Nations :
Measuring Sustainable Development in the New Millennium

марта, 2012

This book is about development and
measuring development progress. While precise definitions
may vary, development is, at heart, a process of building
wealth, the produced, natural, human, and institutional
capital which is the source of income and wellbeing. A key
finding is that it is intangible wealth, human and
institutional capital, which dominates the wealth of all
countries, rising as a share of the total as countries climb

Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on Mountain Hydrology : Development of a Methodology through a Case Study in the Andes of Peru

марта, 2012

The objective of study of the impacts of
climate change on mountain hydrology is to develop a
methodology to assess the net impacts of climate change on
the hydrological response in mountainous regions. This is
done through a case study in the Peruvian Andes. There are
few examples of predictions of the impact of climate change
on resource availability and even fewer examples of the
applications of such predictions to planning for sustainable

India - Vulnerability of Kolkata
metropolitan area to increased precipitation in a changing climate

марта, 2012

This study aims to strengthen the
understanding of the vulnerability of Kolkata from increased
precipitation caused by climate change effects with a
specific goal to: compile a data base with past weather
related information and damage caused by extreme weather
related episodes; develop hydrological, hydraulic, and storm
drainage models to identify vulnerable areas and determine
physical damage estimates resulting from climate change

Pakistan - Gilgit-Baltistan Economic Report : Broadening the Transformation

марта, 2012

Parts of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), the
northeastern most administrative region of Pakistan, have
been undergoing a dramatic transformation over the last
three decades. Given the challenging environment, GB's
development outcomes are impressive, built on the
time-tempered resilience of the people of GB and facilitated
by high levels of social capital. GB has also benefitted
from the attentions of the national Government of Pakistan

Zambia - Commercial Value Chains in Zambian Agriculture : Do Smallholders Benefit?

марта, 2012

Agriculture and agroprocessing are
important in Zambia's economy, representing more than
40 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and contributing
about 12 percent of national export earnings. Agriculture
employs some 67 percent of the labor force and supplies raw
materials to agricultural industries, which account for some
84 percent of manufacturing value-added in the country.
Smallholder agriculture dominates the rural economy. It

Who Is Benefiting from Fertilizer Subsidies in Indonesia?

марта, 2012

Using the Agricultural Census 2003 and
the Rice Household Survey 2008 for Indonesia, this paper
analyzes the distribution of benefits from fertilizer
subsidies and their impact on rice production. The findings
suggest that most farmers benefit from fertilizer subsidies;
however, the 40 percent largest farmers capture up to 60
percent of the subsidy. The regressive nature of the
fertilizer subsidies is in line with research carried out in