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Displaying 3553 - 3564 of 5078

Two Dragon Heads : Contrasting
Development Paths for Beijing and Shanghai

марта, 2012

In broad terms, the sources of economic
growth are well understood, but relatively few countries
have succeeded in effectively harnessing this knowledge for
policy purposes so as to sustain high rates of growth over
an extended period of time. Among the ones that have done
so, China stands out. Its gross domestic product (GDP)
growth rate, which averaged almost 10 percent between 1978
and 2008, is unmatched. Even more remarkable is the

Mozambique - Analysis of Public Expenditure in Agriculture : Core Analysis

марта, 2012

The objective of this Agriculture Public
Expenditure Review (AgPER) is to provide an assessment of
the present situation and to offer recommendations to
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public spending
in agriculture in Mozambique. The report provides a
sectorwide picture of the magnitude and structure of public
spending for agriculture in Mozambique over the past six
years, and an overall assessment of the budget process in

Republic of Burundi - Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) :
The Challenge of Achieving Stable and Shared Growth

марта, 2012

This Country Economic Memorandum (CEM)
is the first for Burundi since the 1980s. It has been
developed in collaboration with the government of Burundi.
The CEM has been prepared in cooperation with the African
development bank and the U.K. department for international
development. Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the
world, and has suffered from many years of civil conflict
and its consequences. In the last years, peace has been

Kosovo - Unlocking Growth Potential : Strategies, Policies, Actions -
A Country Economic Memorandum

марта, 2012

Kosovo's economic growth in the
past decade has been solid, yet, with a gross domestic
product (GDP) per capita of 1,760, the country remains one
of the poorest in Europe. The end of the conflict, output
was growing at double-digit rates, driven by the
donor-funded reconstruction efforts. Since 2005, annual
growth has decelerated to below 5 percent. However, the
other countries in Southeast Europe have been growing

Congo, Democratic Republic of -
Enhanced Integration Framework Program (EIF) : diagnostic
trade integration study

марта, 2012

The goal of the Congo, Democratic
Republic of (DRC's) trade policy is to create a
regulatory, fiscal and institutional environment in which
domestic and foreign trade can develop unhindered, opening
up the country's vast territory and integrating it into
regional and international trade channels. In this respect,
the analyses in this report highlight three priorities: (i)
to streamline and reduce port taxation; (ii) to conclude the

Investing in a More Sustainable Indonesia : Country Environmental Analysis 2009 - Main Report

марта, 2012

The objective of this Country
Environmental Analysis (CEA) is to highlight the underlying
challenges and opportunities for Indonesia's
environment and management of its natural resources in order
to guide the World Bank support to Indonesian institutions
for more sustainable development. Rather, the CEA sets the
broader context (chapter one) and economic costs of
environmental degradation (chapter two) in order to identify

Designing Climate Change Adaptation Policies : An Economic Framework

марта, 2012

Adaptation has long been neglected in
the debate and policies surrounding climate change. However,
increasing awareness of climate change has led many
stakeholders to look for the best way to limit its
consequences and has resulted in a large number of
initiatives related to adaptation, particularly at the local
level. This report proposes a general economic framework to
help stakeholders in the public sector to develop effective

Food Insecurity and Public Agricultural Spending in Bolivia : Putting Money Where Your Mouth Is?

марта, 2012

This paper explores the reduction of
food insecurity in Bolivia, adopting a supply side approach
that analyzes the role of agricultural spending on
vulnerability. Vulnerability to food insecurity is captured
by a municipal level composite -- developed locally within
the framework of World Food Program food security analysis
-- that combines welfare outcomes, weather conditions and
agricultural potential for all 327 municipalities in 2003,

DR-CAFTA and the Environment

марта, 2012

The Dominican Republic-Central American
Free Trade Agreement with the United States aims to create a
free trade zone for economic development. The Agreement is
expected to intensify commerce and investment among the
participating countries. This paper analyzes the changes in
the production and trading patterns in 2-digit manufacturing
sectors with the goal of understanding the short-term
environmental implications of the Dominican Republic-Central

Can Social Safety Nets Alleviate Seasonal Deprivation? Evidence from Northwest Bangladesh

марта, 2012

This paper examines the role of social
safety-net programs in Bangladesh run by the government and
nongovernmental organizations to mitigate seasonal
deprivation in the country's highly vulnerable
northwest region. Specifically, the paper explores whether
social safety nets are limited to averting seasonal
deprivation or can also address seasonality of income and
employment more generally. Using a recent survey from the

Resource Management and the Effects of Trade on Vulnerable Places and People : Lessons from Six Case Studies

марта, 2012

Lessons from six case studies illustrate
the complex relationships between international trade,
vulnerable ecologies and the poor. The studies, taken from
Africa, Asia and Latin America and conducted by local
researchers, are set in places where the poor live in close
proximity to ecologies that are important to global
conservation efforts, and focus on the cascading
consequences of trade policy for local livelihoods and

Assessing Poverty and Distributional Impacts of the Global Crisis in the Philippines : A Microsimulation Approach

марта, 2012

As the financial crisis has spread
through the world, the lack of real-time data has made it
difficult to track its impact in developing countries. This
paper uses a micro-simulation approach to assess the poverty
and distributional effects of the crisis in the Philippines.
The authors find increases in both the level and the depth
of aggregate poverty. Income shocks are relatively large in
the middle part of the income distribution. They also find