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Regional Law No. 441-OZ “On some issues of granting of forest land plots to citizens free of charge for the length of service for limited utilization”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that forest land plots granted to citizens free of charge for the length of service for limited utilization shall be allotted to forest officers and staff of state hunting organizations (game managers and gamekeepers) for agro-forestry (haymaking, grazing, apiculture, growing of crops etc.). Land areas shall be established within the following limits: (a) arable land – 3 ha; (b) haymaking – 10 ha; and (c) other agricultural activities – 5 ha.

Loi sur les forêts et la protection contre les catastrophes naturelles (LFCN).

Western Europe

La présente loi a pour buts d’exécuter la législation forestière fédérale, de désigner les autorités d’application et de fixer leurs compétences. Elle vise également: a) à favoriser une gestion optimale des forêts; b) à promouvoir l’utilisation du bois d’origine indigène; c) à assurer un traitement sylvicole adapté aux conditions naturelles et aux fonctions de la forêt.

Provincial Act No. 6 laying down new provisions for the management of public lands.

Southern Europe

This Provincial Act sets out the legislative framework governing the management of public lands destined to public uses, particulary agro-forestry and silvopastoralism. The Act aims at the environmental protection and economic development of those lands. The Act further regulates the right of use of these public lands. Special provisions are laid down with respect to the Regole of Spinale and Manez, referred to in Provincial Act No. 12 of 1960.

Implements: Provincial Act No. 12 laying down the Ordinance for the Regole of Spinale and Manez. (1960-10-28)

Regional Act No. 16 on the promotion of agriculture in mountain areas.

Southern Europe

This Act aims at the improvement and protection of agricultural and forest resources in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, particularly through the promotion of agriculture in mountain areas. The rational exploitation of land in mountain territories is among the objectives hereby pursued. The latter include private undertakings and public interventions (art. 3). Articles 6 to 10 define with detail the procedure to attain the rationalization of land (proposal of rationalization, preliminary project, final approval).

Ley de prevención y combate de incendios agropecuarios y forestales del Estado de Yucatán.

Central America

Esta Ley establece las normas relacionadas con el uso del fuego en el Estado de Yucatán, especialmente para realizar las quemas con fines agropecuarios, ganaderos y forestales el procedimiento tradicional de roza-tumba-quema. El objetivo de estas disposiciones es controlar los riesgos derivados de dicho procedimiento, fijando medidas para prevenir y combatir los incendios forestales y agropecuarios.La Ley consta de diez Capítulos.

Regional Law No. 144-ZTO “On forestry taxes and lease payments for the management of public forest”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that forestry taxes and lease payments shall be collected for: (a) allotment of standing timber; (b) procurement of edible and non-edible non-timber products; (c) agro-forestry; (d) use of forest fund (public forest) for hunting management; and (e) recreational use of forests, including tourism, sport and culture. Forestry taxes shall include taxes for forest land management.

Loi d'orientation agro-sylvo-pastorale.

Western Africa

La politique de développement agro-sylvo-pastoral est marquée par le retrait progressif de l’Etat et est conforme aux principes de recentrage de ses missions sur des fonctions régaliennes, de poursuite de la politique de décentralisation, d’amélioration du cadre et des conditions de vie en milieu rural, ainsi que de création d’un environnement propice aux investissements privés en milieu rural. La réduction de la pauvreté est la principale priorité de la politique de l’Etat, en particulier dans les zones rurales.

Regional Act No. 15 on interventions concerning the protection, the development and the improvement of mountain territories

Southern Europe

It is hereby laid down the regional policy on mountain areas, which rests on the principles of subsidiarity and promotion of local autonomy. The Act covers the territories of Mountain Communities defined by Act No. 12 of 2002. The mountain policy shall pursue, among others, the protection of the environment, soil preservation and the strenghtening of economic activities in mountain areas. The overall aims shall be defined in the Development Plan of Mountain Areas by the Regional Council (art. 3). Further provisions regard the distribution of competences in this field among local entities.

Loi n°034-2002/an portant loi d’orientation relative au pastoralisme au Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

La présente loi fixe les principes et les modalités d’un développement durable, paisible et intégré des activités pastorales, agropastorales et sylvopastorales. Sont concernées par les dispositions de la présente loi, les activités d’élevage des espèces bovine, ovine, caprine, caméline, asine et équine. La loi est formée par 75 articles, repartis en 4 titres, à savoir: Dispositions générales (I); Exploitation des ressources naturelles aux fins du pastoralisme (II); Infractions, sanctions et procédures (III) et Dispositions finales (IV).

Law No. 1041-XIV on forest reclamation of degraded land.

Eastern Europe

This Law establishes legal grounds for the forest reclamation of degraded land and the procedure of identification of the aforesaid land. This Law shall be applicable to degraded land irrespectively of the form of ownership that can be subject to forest reclamation for the purpose of soil improvement and hydrological and environmental re-balancing.

Provincial Act No. 21 laying down the legislative framework on forestry.

Southern Europe

This Provincial Act is divided into five Titles. The aims pursued are the protection of any kind of land falling within the provincial territory, giving particular regard to forests, mountain grasslands and pastures, in order to ensure their conservation and productivity and to guarantee their rational and sustainable use.

Regional Law No. 47 “On land reclamation”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes legal grounds for land reclamation activity with the consideration of natural and climatic conditions, and also rights and duties of natural and legal persons ensuring efficient tenure and protection of reclaimed land. The scope of land reclamation shall be to ensure improvement of soil fertility and creation of condition for involvement agricultural production of unused and low-productive land. Land reclamation shall be classified as follows: (a) hydrotechnical amelioration; (b) agro-forestry; (c) land clearing; and (d) chemical amelioration.