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Guide to improving land tenure security in irrigation schemes in Niger

Manuals & Guidelines
августа, 2017

There are 85 irrigation schemes in Niger that cover around 16,000 ha and are cultivated by 40,000 farmers. The informal status of these irrigation schemes, and their occupants, has created problems due to population growth and the increasing scarcity of natural resources. Holders of traditional land rights have challenged government decisions concerning land attributions and property rights within the schemes, and have occasionally prevented construction from proceeding.

Guide de sécurisation foncière sur les aménagements hydro-agricoles au Niger

Manuals & Guidelines
августа, 2017

Le Niger compte aujourd’hui 85 aménagements hydro-agricoles (AHA), qui s’étendent sur environ 16 000 hectares et font travailler plus de 40 000 exploitants.  Avec la pression démographique et la raréfaction des ressources naturelles disponibles pour l’activité agricole, l’informalité de la gestion du foncier des AHA et du statut des personnes qui les exploitent est devenue problématique.

Farmers’ perception of effective drought policy implementation: A case study of 2009–2010 drought in Yunnan province, China

Peer-reviewed publication
августа, 2017
United States of America

Using a qualitative social research method at the local administrative level, this paper provides insight into the policy process in China and farmers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of policies implemented to deal with drought. Two villages in rural South-West Yunnan were purposefully selected for the study. The research started with the general assumption that China has a strong top-down hierarchal approach to policy processes and that funding dispersal is prioritised by the central government.

Food, farmers, and the future: Investigating prospects of increased food production within a national context

Peer-reviewed publication
августа, 2017
United States of America

With international food price shocks in 2008 and 2011, food security became a political priority in many countries. In addition, some politicians have recently adopted a more nationalistic stance. Against that background, this paper critically investigates the prospects of increased food production within a national context. We use a small, high-income country, Norway, as an empirical case. In 2012, the government set a goal of increasing agricultural food production by 20% by 2030. We ask: 1) How has food production in Norway developed before and after the goal was set?

The Impact of Strengthening Agricultural Extension Services

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
августа, 2017

This paper evaluates the effect of the Rural Capacity Building Project, which aimed at promoting growth by strengthening the agricultural service systems in Ethiopia and by making them more responsive to smallholders' needs. The project intended to increase the outreach of agricultural extension services to help farmers become aware of and adopt economically viable and environmentally sustainable technologies and practices. The paper examines the impact of the Rural Capacity Building Project using panel data on 1,485 geographically dispersed households in project and control kebeles.

Acuerdo Nº 28 - Fija reglas especiales en cuanto a las extensiones y condiciones de adjudicación de baldíos.

августа, 2017

El presente Acuerdo de la Agencia Nacional de Tierras (ANT), tiene por objeto establecer las condiciones de explotación económica de terrenos baldíos que hagan procedente su adjudicación a través de esquemas o contratos de explotación que faciliten dicha explotación, cuando el sujeto de reforma agraria no tenga posibilidades de desarrollarla solo.

Promoting financial inclusion

Policy Papers & Briefs
июля, 2017

With Second Level Land Certification (SLLC), farmers gain increased security of tenure: this incentivises them to invest more in their land.

To allow for this productive investment to take place, the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) programme is working with micro finance institutions (MFIs) to roll out an innovative financial product: the SLLC-linked individual loan.

Accessing longer terms and larger size loans allows farmers to increase the productivity of their land, graduate from subsistence farming, and become more commercially oriented.

Promoting financial inclusion: Developing an innovative SLLC-linked loan product

Policy Papers & Briefs
июля, 2017

Microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Ethiopia are offering farmers a new financial product: the SLLC-linked individual loan product

With Second Level Land Certification (SLLC), MFIs have the security of knowing the ownership and exact landholding size of farmers. This has allowed the development of an innovative individual lending product that uses the produce of the land as a form of guarantee.

Enabling access to clean agricultural inputs and technologies: Improving farmer yields and businesses turnover

Policy Papers & Briefs
июля, 2017

Supporting the agriculture sector

The GoE with technical support from the Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT) programme is issuing Second Level Land Certificates (SLLC) to increase the land tenure security of farmers. As a result, farmers are more willing to invest in their land in a productive and sustainable way. However, to allow for increased productive investment, farmers must have access to improved agri-inputs and technologies that are climate smart: this is currently a challenge in most rural areas.

Aspectos introductorios a las condiciones de vida de las poblaciones rurales de la provincia de Jujuy, Argentina.

Policy Papers & Briefs
июля, 2017

Jujuy, Argentina
1 de agosto de 2017
En este artículo quiero reseñar algunas características básicas de las poblaciones rurales de la Provincia de Jujuy, República Argentina. El mismo está planteado como una introducción general y con vario aspectos particulares que poseen alto valor heurístico. El estado del arte es abundante al respecto, pero no pretendo aquí hacer una síntesis del mismo, sino reseñar algunas generalidades que pueden servir al lector para profundizar en problemáticas más específicas.

Decreto 1.005/2017 - Reglamenta Ley 7.658, Programa de Regularización Dominial y Asistencia para Pequeños Productores Agropecuarios y Familias Rurales.

июля, 2017

El presente Decreto reglamenta la Ley Nº 7.658, que creó el Programa de Regularización Dominial y Asistencia para Pequeños Productores Agropecuarios y Familias Rurales. A los fines de la aplicación de estas disposiciones reglamentarias, se entiende por por pequeños productores al conjunto heterogéneo de productores y sus familias que intervienen en forma directa en la producción, aportando al trabajo físico y la gestión productiva, no contratan mano de obra permanente y cuentan con limitaciones de tierra, capital y tecnología.