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Enhancing farmers’ agency in the global crop commons through use of biocultural community protocols

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2020

Crop genetic resources constitute a ‘new’ global commons, characterized by multiple layers of activities of farmers, genebanks, public and private research and development organizations, and regulatory agencies operating from local to global levels.

Is the Formalization of Collective Tenure Rights Supporting Sustainable Indigenous Livelihoods? Insights from Comunidades Nativas in the Peruvian Amazon

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2020

After decades of activism by Indigenous Peoples and their allies, the need to formalize Indigenous land rights has received increasing global attention as a strategy to address climate change.

Small Grants Programme: 25 years of engagement with Indigenous Peoples

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2020

A key purpose of this publication is to provide an account of SGP’s experience working with Indigenous Peoples over the last twenty-five years. The publication celebrates past achievements and advances critical lessons that can be used in forging new partnerships with Indigenous Peoples in future programming cycles, including opportunities to employ blended finance solutions.


LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
октября, 2020
América del Sur

Este documento propone que la gobernanza colectiva de la tierra otorga derechos y contribuye a reducir las desigualdades en el interior de las comunidades, y las existentes entre estas, y la población e institucionalidad de su entorno.

COVID-19 and Public Health: Indigenous Peoples on the Front Line

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
сентября, 2020

Three-quarters of emerging infectious diseases are zoonoses, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans, with Ebola, SARS, MERS and now COVID-19 being examples. Scientists are warning that deforestation, industrial agriculture, illegal wildlife trade, climate change and other types of environmental degradation increase the risk of future pandemics.

COVID-19, Biodiversity and Climate Change: Indigenous Peoples Defining the Path Forward

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
сентября, 2020

Indigenous Peoples and local communities manage more than half of the world´s land. These biodiverse ancestral lands are vital to the people who steward them and the planet we all share. But governments only recognize indigenous and community legal ownership of 10 percent of the world´s lands. Secure tenure is essential for safeguarding the existing forests against external forces.

Urgence et opportunité

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
августа, 2020

L’Initiative des droits et ressources (RRI pour son sigle en anglais), publie trois nouvelles analyses techniques qui serviront de feuille de route pour intensifier les réformes des régimes fonciers à l’échelle mondiale.

Droits de propriété foncière des communautés locales et populations autochtones en République du Congo

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
июня, 2020

Ce rapport présente et analyse les dispositions internationales et nationales encadrant les droits de propriété foncière des communautés locales et populations autochtones en République du Congo.

Il s'agit d'un document à but éducatif visant à améliorer l'accès et la compréhension des lois congolaises.