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HALCYON AGRI’S SUDCAM PLANTATION: The long way of suffering for Indigenous Peoples and local communities in Southern Cameroon

Reports & Research
октября, 2024

Sud-Cameroun Hévéa (“SudCam”), a giant monoculture rubber plantation and a Cameroonian subsidiary base of Halcyon Agri Corporation Limited (“Halcyon Agri”) has come under intense scrutiny and criticism due to the severe human rights violations and threats to biodiversity inflicted upon the surrounding Indigenous Peoples, local communities and workers.

Land governance and the politics of fair transitions: Deepening the search for social justice

Conference Papers & Reports
сентября, 2024

The starting point for the Conference and Summit was the recognition that ongoing transitions in the name of climate change and clean energy are deeply unfair in multiple ways. Climate policies and so-called green investments place huge burdens on people and spaces in the Global South as well as on areas inhabited by marginalized populations in countries of the Global North. Their rights are put under pressure, safeguards are lacking or not enforced, and the room to defend their lands, forests, pastures, and territories is constrained.

Les « plans fonciers ruraux » au Bénin (1992-2015). La carrière d’un instrument « pilote » au sein de politiques non stabilisées

Journal Articles & Books
августа, 2024

Le Plan foncier rural (PFR) est un des instruments mis au point dans le cadre de l’aide internationale pour permettre la formalisation des droits fonciers coutumiers en Afrique, conformément aux prescriptions internationales en vigueur depuis les années 1980-90 1. Il consiste en un levé systématique, parcelle par parcelle, d’un territoire villageois, en couplant une enquête sur les droits (individuels ou collectifs) détenus (composante sociofoncière) et le levé des limites de la parcelle (composante topographique).


августа, 2024
América Latina y el Caribe

Esta publicación recoge las síntesis de las presentaciones realizadas por diversos/as ponentes y de los intercambios llevados a cabo durante las sesiones del Foro de la Tierra LAC 2024, que tuvo lugar entre el 28 y el 30 de mayo de 2024.

Progress Towards the SDG Land Rights Commitments

Reports & Research
июля, 2024

Secure land rights for all—women and men, regardless of ethnicity or religion, or civil, economic, social, or political status—are foundational for achieving a world free of poverty, hunger, and systematic gender discrimination. So, in 2015, we celebrated when world leaders recognized the critical importance of land rights within Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. Member States’ ambitious written commitments, however, have not been followed by on-the-ground action.

Progresso em direção aos compromissos de direitos fundiários dos ODS

Reports & Research
июля, 2024

Direitos à terra seguros para todas e todos - mulheres e homens, independentemente de etnia ou religião, ou status civil, econômico, social ou político - são fundamentais para alcançar um mundo livre de pobreza, fome e discriminação sistemática de gênero. Portanto, em 2015, comemoramos quando líderes mundiais reconheceram a importância fundamental dos direitos à terra na Agenda 2030 e nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Os ambiciosos compromissos escritos dos Estados-Membros, no entanto, não foram seguidos por ações concretas.

Ensuring Gender-Equitable Consultation in Cambodia's Land and Agriculture Law and Policy

Policy Papers & Briefs
июля, 2024

This brief consolidates the key findings from a larger Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) regional report Towards gender-equitable land policy and law-making in the Mekong Region. The report used consultation processes over the 2024 Land Law as a case study, and involved interviews, participatory consultation pilots, observations of national consultation workshops, and an extensive literature review.

A version in Khmer is also available HERE.

El blanqueo ecológico en la Amazonía

Reports & Research
июня, 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

Este informe examina cómo las políticas de gestión de riesgos ambientales y sociales (ESRM, por sus siglas en inglés) de los principales bancos que financian la extracción de petróleo y gas en la Amazonía no abordan plenamente los impactos adversos de su financiamiento en las personas y la naturaleza. Durante los últimos 20 años, solamente seis bancos: Citibank, JP Morgan Chase, Itaú Unibanco, Santander, Bank of America y HSBC son responsables de casi la mitad (46%) de todo el financiamiento directo para las operaciones de petróleo y gas en la Amazonía.

Rapid Response Mechanisms

Manuals & Guidelines
мая, 2024

Often, approaches to investment-related land rights violations are reactive, rather than proactive and preventative: legal support is usually provided after communities have been negatively impacted, displaced or evicted — and after lives have been lost, property destroyed, local waters and soils polluted, and communities devastated. In such cases, legal support has a limited chance of reversing the damage caused.

La régulation des marchés fonciers ruraux. Pourquoi réguler ? Comment faire ?

Manuals & Guidelines
Reports & Research
апреля, 2024

Produite dans le cadre de l’école de chercheurs organisée au Sénégal par IPAR, le pôle foncier de Montpellier et l’Université Gaston Berger avec l’appui du CTFD, cette fiche pédagogique fait le point sur les instruments directs et indirects qui peuvent être mobilisés pour réguler les marchés fonciers. Elle explique pourquoi les régulations menées par l’État sont nécessaires mais souvent insuffisantes, et le rôle que peuvent jouer des entités locales dans l’établissement et le respect de règles encadrant les transactions.

L’approche Niches d’Innovation dans le projet ReSI-NoC

Manuals & Guidelines
Reports & Research
апреля, 2024

Au Nord Cameroun, plusieurs projets se sont succédés au fil du temps et ont promu des innovations techniques et technologiques contribuant au développement durable des systèmes agrosylvopastoraux. En parallèle, on constate régulièrement d’une part la duplicité des actions par les promoteurs de projet, et d’autre part le ralentissement ou l’arrêt des activités après la fin des projets.

This Beautiful Land

Reports & Research
марта, 2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
South Africa

In 2021, Transparency International and the Equal Rights Trust published Defying Exclusion: Stories and Insights on the Links between Discrimination and Corruption. Bringing together a diverse group of case studies from across the globe, it documented and illustrated the mutually reinforcing links – the vicious cycle – between discrimination and corruption. Defying Exclusion marked the first attempt to systematically explore the phenomena we termed “discriminatory corruption”.