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Revitalizing Urban Governance: Integrating Smart Growth and Decolonial Perspectives for Municipal Empowerment in Shaping Growth Across Egyptian Desert Landscapes

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2022

This article explores the connection between Smart Growth and the decolonization of urban growth management in Egypt examining the impact of former colonial influence on present urban policy and practices Drawing insights from the urbanization of Egyptian desert areas before and after the New Urban Communities Program NUCP it scrutinizes how historical influences adversely affect contemporary approaches inducing socioeconomic impacts The primary objective is to identify the root causes of misguided urban growth management practices arguing that monoinstitutional and sectoral development is

Improved Land Reforms To The Benefit Of Women´S Access To Land To Foster And Support Social Norm Change, A Case Study Of Western Area Rural District And Bombali District In Sierra Leone

декабря, 2022
Sierra Leone

It is critical to have land policies that facilitate access to and effective control of land and other natural resources to achieve inclusive growth and eradicate poverty. It is well known that discrimination in land rights occurs globally, both in formal and customary settings. The reason for this is that land rights are either strong or weak and are held by a variety of groups of people.

Du Code Domanial Et Foncier À La Loi Domaniale Et Foncière: La Réalité De La Reconnaissance Des Droits Fonciers Coûtumiers Est-Elle En Cause Au Mali ?

декабря, 2022

Context and backgroundIn 2017 Mali developed a law recognizing the customary land rights of local populations called the "Loi sur le Foncier Agricole" (LFA, Farmland Land Law). This law was celebrated by rural populations, particularly farmers, who saw their family farms protected from state monopolization through incorporation into the private real estate domain of the state by means of registration. It was in this euphoria that the Land Law (LDF) was passed in 2020 by ordinance.

Guidance note for peace-informed programming at the Green Climate Fund: Forest and Land Use

декабря, 2022

Land has historically been a focal point of conflict, especially in Fragile and Conflict-affected Settings (FCS), where disputes over forests and land use often intersect with broader socio-political dynamics, including unfair resource allocation, marginalization, and governance challenges. Factors such as climate change, population growth, and urbanization are anticipated to intensify these conflicts in the coming decades.

Policy incentives for smallholder adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices

декабря, 2022

There is a large and growing literature on the potential use of policy instruments for stimulating the adoption of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices amongst smallholders. The objective of this article is to review and understand how the array of potential policy incentives can serve as mechanisms for enhancing adoption and upscaling of potential CSA practices by small-scale farmers in low-income countries. The review follows a matrix approach capturing where specific CSA practices (rows) are supported by typical policy instruments (columns) for enhancing widespread adoption.

The power of possibility in landscape governance: Multiple lives of participatory action research in Kajang, Sulawesi

декабря, 2022

In 2016, Indigenous communities began to gain access to land rights in Indonesia’s vast state forests. The Kajang community of Sulawesi was the first to achieve such legal land status. Kajang also gained attention for its use of PAR to gain consensus across stakeholder groups in securing recognition. The jointly produced local regulation became symbolic for its ability to convene activists and local government, with Kajang Indigenous leaders at the center.

Unbundling water and land rights in Kilifi County, Kenya: a gender perspective

декабря, 2022

Feminist scholars and activists have drawn attention to the importance of
women’s land rights, and studies focused on irrigation have explored the gendered
relationships between land and water rights. Yet little of this work has focused
on the relationship between land and water rights for domestic and productive
purposesmore broadly.Within rural communities, women andmen have diô€€€erent
rights to both land and water.We explore these interconnected relationships using
community profiles, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews from two

Informing Policy with Agricultural Research-for-Development: Insights from Research on Resilience

декабря, 2022

• Limited access to credit, e.g., due to a lack of collateral and documented land rights, exposes smallholder farmers to risk and liquidity constraints
• This does not only reduce farmers’ ability to cope with weather shocks but may also prevent them from investing in their farms.
• Insurance to reduce risk and thereby increase access to credit typically falls short: High costs of indemnity-based insurance; Basis risk in weather index-based insurance.
• What if we can overcome information asymmetries at a low cost, using smartphone images?

Securing women’s resource rights through gender-transformative approaches

декабря, 2022

The Global Initiative for Gender-transformative Approaches promotes and strengthens women’s land rights through the integration of gender-transformative approaches in International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) rural development interventions by sharing learning to improve policies, tools and practices across projects across six countries.

Impacts of a digital credit-insurance bundle for landless farmers: Evidence from a cluster randomized trial in Odisha, India

декабря, 2022

Smallholder farmers often lack documented land rights to serve as collateral for formal loans, and their livelihoods are inextricably linked to increasingly variable weather conditions. Resulting credit and risk constraints prevent them from making potentially profitable investments in their farms. We implemented a randomized evaluation of the impacts of KhetScore, an innovative credit scoring methodology that uses digital technologies to unlock credit and insurance for smallholders including landless farmers in Odisha, a state in eastern India.