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Promoting Pro-Poor Growth Agriculture

Reports & Research
января, 2006

This report takes a fresh look at the important contribution of agriculture to pro-poor growth. After two decades of decline, investments in agriculture are now on the rise. This major reversal in national policies, as well as donor programmes, reflects an increased awareness of the vital contribution of agriculture to pro-poor growth and the stark reality that 75% of the world’s poor live in rural areas. This policy guidance for donors identifies a new agriculture agenda for enabling pro-poor growth.

Listen to Us: Land Ownership and Property Control

Reports & Research
января, 2006

This report presents strategies of grassroots women's organisations in Eastern and Southourn Africa in working toward land tenure security, including home-based care and counselling, increased participation of women in government bodies, raising awareness about land issues, providing support for women's legal procedures, increasing economic security through skill development and microcredit loans as well as leadership development. The report concludes by giving some recommendations for increased effectiveness and scope for these grassroots activities.

Women, property rights and HIV in India

Policy Papers & Briefs
января, 2006

In 2006, UNAIDS reported that almost half of the adults living with HIV and AIDS today were women. According to estimates, 38% of HIV-positive adults in India are women, and the number of young women, aged 15-24, living with HIV and AIDS is twice that of young men. HIV/AIDS has exposed the social inequities that predispose girls and women to HIV infection, but women need more than rights in order to protect themselves. In India, the AIDS epidemic magnifies the devastation of women’s property violations.

Improving gender equity in access to land

Training Resources & Tools
января, 2006

Securing the rights of both women and men to land is essential for sustainable rural development, social equity and economic growth. Today women are the major agricultural producers at the household level. Yet their rights are often marginalized and can be lost in development projects unless gender-inclusive practices are implemented. This guide focuses on gender relations and how their structure may affect access to land.

The Land and Property Rights of Women and orphans in the context of HIV and AIDS

Journal Articles & Books
января, 2006
In Zimbabwe, as in many other parts of Africa, agriculture is the principal source of livelihood for widows and orphans. Within this reality, a groundbreaking study was commissioned to investigate the land and property rights of women and orphans in Zimbabwe in the context of HIV/AIDS. It also examines the coping strategies, in terms of land-related livelihoods, adopted by widows and other vulnerable women affected by the pandemic.

Land, the Environment and the Courts in Kenya

Reports & Research
января, 2006

This is an examination of the interface between land and environmental conservation in Kenya. Part II examines the different regimes of land tenure and their implications for environmental conservation. It also reviews the powers of the state to regulate land use. Part III reviews the legislative framework for environmental conservation in Kenya. Part IV reviews the case law on land and the environment. Part V concludes.

Ambivalence and contradiction. A review of policy environment in Tanzania in relation to pastoralists.

Reports & Research
января, 2006

In order to address this problem and to guide its policy advocacy work, the ERETO project commissioned a study to review existing and planned policies and laws that currently touch upon pastoralism and analyse how they actually impact, or are likely to impact, on pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods.  The policies and laws reviewed include those dealing with overall national development, those specific for the livestock sector, those dealing with access to pastoral resources, those dealing with conservation of wildlife and other natural resources, and those dealing with decentralisation a

Subdividing the commons: The politics of property rights transformation in Kenya's Maasailand

Reports & Research
января, 2006

This paper discusses the internal processes and decisions that characterized the transition from collectively held group ranches to individualized property systems among the Maasai pastoralists of Kajiado district in Kenya. It addresses the question of why group ranch members would demand individualized property systems, but then turn against the outcome. In addressing this puzzle the paper discusses the process of land allocation and distribution during group ranch subdivision.

Women’s equal rights to housing, land and property in international law

International Conventions or Treaties
декабря, 2005

[From UN-Habitat] Women’s equal rights to adequate housing, land and property are well elaborated under international human rights law but are often elusive in practice. This document is a reference guide to international human rights standards identifying both the substance of women’s rights as well as the commitments made by States with regard to improving women’s rights to adequate housing, land and property.