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No Land to Farm

Reports & Research
сентября, 2003

...In the last four years, the Burmese army based in Mon State has confiscated thousands acres of farmland. The farmers whose land had been confiscated were not given any compensation. They have no opportunity to take legal actions against the army. As a result, many farmers who lost their lands left to Thailand to seek employment. Those who stayed in villages and towns became landless and jobless..." Land confiscation by the Burmese military - description, analysis and case studies.

International Gender and Trade Network: WTO Fifth Ministerial Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, September 10-14th, 2003 (Position Papers on Four WTO Issues)

Reports & Research
августа, 2003

The IGTN Advocacy Document for the 5th WTO Ministerial Meeting that was held in Cancun, Mexico in September 2003 focuses on these four issues and identifies critical advocacy positions for each of them. With regard to agriculture, the IGTN asserts that control over agriculture by states rather than the WTO would ensure that small-scale and subsistence farmers have control over farming and food supply; a particularly important concern for women around the world who are those responsible for ensuring household food security and managing family farms.

DFID Support To Kenya Land Reform Process

Journal Articles & Books
августа, 2003

The consultancy required a Project Completion Report of DFID’s support to the Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) and advice to DFID on possible future activities that would support pro poor land reform in Kenya. This final report has been prepared following the comments on the draft report by the Hon Kimunya, Minister of Lands and Settlement, and senior managers in the Ministry, the responsible DFID-Kenya officials and KLA’s Co-ordinator.

GA 2003 (58th Session): Report by the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar

Reports & Research
августа, 2003

This report contains very firm criticism of the SPDC for the crackdown on the NLD and in particular the 30 May attack on an NLD convoy when a number of NLD supporters were killed and others, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, were detained. He considers that these actions have set back the dialogue process, perhaps terminally.

Adili Issue 40

Reports & Research
июля, 2003

Contains cleaning up the mess at Lands? – an exclusive interview with Hon. Amos Kimunya, Minister for Lands and Settlement; land: political patronage’s greatest weapon – an interview with Odenda Lumumba, National Coordinator, Kenya Land Alliance; corruption thriving in informal settlements – an interview with Jane Weru, Executive Director, Pamoja Trust; land: Kenya’s simmering powder keg by Odindo Opiata, Kituo cha Sheria; land rights for poor people key to poverty reduction, growth – World Bank (Policy Research Report).

Mercados de tierras agrícolas en América Latina y el Caribe: una realidad incompleta

Journal Articles & Books
июля, 2003
Latin America and the Caribbean

Resumen En el presente libro se abordan, en catorce artículos los principales desafíos enfrentados por el mercado de tierras de América Latina después de una década de incentivos para agilizarlos. La conclusión general es que su desarrollo ha sido insuficiente y que la complementación lograda con otros mercados es fundamental aunque aún limitada, pero que su perfeccionamiento le premitirá transformarse en un eficiente mecanismo de acceso a la tierra.

Governing for Equity, Gender, Citizenship and Governance

Reports & Research
июня, 2003
Sri Lanka
South Africa
Central Asia
Eastern Africa
Southern Africa
Southern Asia

This publication comes out of the Gender, Citizenship and Governance programme of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Netherlands. The project aimed to develop good practice in changing governance institutions to promote gender equality, enhance citizen participation and build accountability of public administration systems. Action research projects were conducted with 16 women's organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in eight countries in Southern Africa and South Asia (South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh).

Discourses on Women’s Land Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Implications of the Re-turn to the Customary

Reports & Research
июня, 2003

Examines some contemporary policy discourses on land tenure reform in sub-Saharan Africa and their implications for women’s interests in land. Demonstrates an emerging consensus among a range of influential policy institutions (including the World Bank, IIED and Oxfam GB), lawyers and academics about the potential of so-called customary systems of land tenure to meet the needs of all land users and claimants. African women lawyers are much more equivocal about trusting the customary, preferring to look to the State for laws to protect women’s interests.


Reports & Research
мая, 2003
South Africa

THIS report is based on research undertaken by AFRA in 2002/3. The process of compiling the information included an extensive literature review, workshops with the forest dwellers and interviews with various stakeholders. A number of issues were considered and a large volume of literature and workshop reports on these exists in AFRA's offices. These are available on request. The Department of Regional and Land Affairs commissioned a similar study in 1993 when the state was attempting to lure people out of the forest following the 1988 "invasion".