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Obligations Under International Treaties and Conventions

Reports & Research
декабря, 2018

This guidance aims to provide companies with an overview of the links between land and human rights enshrined in these agreements and in official statements issued by treaty monitoring bodies. While it focuses on Ghana with a non-exhaustive examination its human rights obligations with an overview of the most significant agreements pertaining to land-based investments, it will be useful for companies working in other countries because the agreements presented have been ratified and signed by a large number of countries.

Due diligence, tenure and agricultural investment. A guide to the dual responsibilities of private sector lawyers advising on the acquisition of land and natural resources

Manuals & Guidelines
декабря, 2018

This guide examines the role and responsibilities of private sector lawyers when advising their clients on agricultural investments. It discusses how lawyers can prevent and/or address and mitigate adverse human rights impacts on holders of legitimate tenure rights when advising on or conducting their due diligence and risk assessment processes on behalf of their clients. It provides a number of key recommendations, including on how to align legal advice with the VGGT and CFS-RAI.

Indigenous Land Rights and the Marginalization of the Orang Asli in Malaysia

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2018

Although the Orang Asli are the original, indigenous peoples of Peninsular Malaysia, they have been largely excluded from the country’s economic growth of recent decades. Rather than protect this marginalized community, state officials and private agencies regularly exploit the Orang Asli and their ancestral lands. Given that many of the Orang Asli’s prevailing challenges stem from their lack of customary land ownership, systemic change must come from the legislative level.

Differentiations in Women’s Land Tenure Experiences: Implications for Women’s Land Access and Tenure Security in Sub-Saharan Africa

Reports & Research
декабря, 2018

Most literature on land tenure in sub-Saharan Africa has presented women as a homogenous group. This study uses evidence from Ghana, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe to show that women have differentiated problems, needs, and statuses in their quest for land access and tenure security. It illustrates how women-to-women differences influence women’s access to land. By investigating differentiations in women’s land tenure in the three countries, the study identifies multiple and somewhat interlinked ways in which differentiations exist in women’s land tenure. It achieved some key outcomes.

Training materials for indigenous peoples' and local communities' advocates

Training Resources & Tools
декабря, 2018

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These learning modules provide training material for Indigenous Peoples’ and local communities’ advocates on how to operationalise benefit-sharing and concluding benefit-sharing agreements. There are three modules covering these broad issues in relation to natural resources, traditional knowledge and farmers' rights.

Respecting Land and Forest Rights: A Guide for Companies

Reports & Research
декабря, 2018

This Guide provides an entry point to understanding and implementing the principles of responsible governance of land tenure set out in the VGGT for companies involved in land-based investment. It provides a more manageable presentation of the VGGT, along with steps to ensure that a company acts consistently with them and includes thorough due diligence on the tenure rights of project-affected communities.

Cercos e resistências Povos Indígenas Isolados na Amazônia brasileira

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2018
América do Sul

A Amazônia brasileira é a região do planeta com maior número de comunidades nativas classificadas como isoladas. No Brasil de hoje, como nos demais países da região amazônica, assiste-se a uma proliferação crescente de relatos e imagens que dão notícia de povos indígenas em situação de isolamento. A Funai conta 114 registros, 28 deles já confirmados; a maioria se concentra nas regiões de frontei- ra com outros países amazônicos.

Access to Land Influencing the Urban Development of Egypt

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2018

The paper seeks to assess the impact of access to the land of Egypt on urban development in an attempt to identify policies and laws that can be categorized as a catalyst in urban conflict A systematicreview of Data on land tenure environment of Egypt land access land governance and tenure security the actors involved in these processes their roles the land tenure related challenges they face and measures that can be taken to address these challenges was collected at country level In the context of Egypt Access to land is deemed with obstacles confronting beneficiaries and legal procedures