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Gas Politics: Shwe Gas Development in Burma

Reports & Research
октября, 2006

In recent months, both China and India have signed agreements with the Burmese military junta
indicating their willingness to buy gas from the proposed Shwe gas project in western Burma,
with Thailand also expressing interest. If built, the Shwe project would be Burma’s largest gas
development project ever. Matthew Smith and Naing Htoo analyse the events surrounding the
recent agreements and the inevitable consequences if the project were to proceed...

Supply and Command - Natural gas in western Burma set to entrench military rule

Reports & Research
июня, 2006

Executive Summary"
"A scramble for natural gas presently unfolding in western Burma is poised to provide the ruling military junta with its single largest source of income. The sale of the gas, mainly to regional neighbours, will further entrench the junta, insulating it from international pressure. The country's already abysmal human rights situation is set to worsen.

Land conflicts in Kenya: causes, impacts, and resolutions

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2005

Because of changes in some underlying factors, land is increasingly becoming a source of conflicts in Africa. We estimate the determinants of land conflicts and their impacts on input application in Kenya by using a recent survey of 899 rural households. We find that widows are about 13 percent more likely to experience pending land conflicts when their parcels are registered under the names of their deceased husbands than when titles are registered under their names.

Mercado de Terras no Brasil: Estrutura e Dinamica

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2005
América do Sul

O tema do mercado de terras integra a agenda contemporânea das políticas agrárias, tanto no Brasil como em outros países. No caso brasileiro, decorre da história de ocupação do território e da própria formação social e econômica que produziram um quadro de ilegalidade, de instabilidade jurídica e de fragilidade institucional.

Impact of the Land Allocation Programme on Land Use and Land Management in Lao PDR

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2005

According to the annual report of Huaphan Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office (PAFO) (1999), despite land allocation, some villages are still practising shifting cultivation. To address this problem many decrees and regulations on land and land use have been developed and declared. The land allocation (LA) programme is one of these initiatives. So far, no effort has been made to evaluate whether the LA programme could facilitate change in land use and land management. The major objective of this study was to assess the impact of the LA programme on land use and land management.

Implications of the Recent Land Reforms in Tanzania on the Land Rights of Small Producers

Conference Papers & Reports
ноября, 2005

The land tenure system of Tanzania has passed through different historical milestones which form the basis for the analysis of the land tenure regime in general and tenure relations for land owners and users in particular in the past eight decades. The history dates back to 1923 when the British colonial legislative assembly enacted the Land Ordinance cap 113 to guide and regulate land use and ownership in Tanganyika which was their protectorate colony. Prior to this law, all the land in Tanzania was owned under customary tenure governed by clan and tribal traditions.

Land Conflicts in Kenya: Causes, Impacts, and Resolutions

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
ноября, 2005

Because of changes in some underlying factors, land is increasingly becoming a source of conflicts in Africa. We estimate the determinants of land conflicts and their impacts on input application in Kenya by using a recent survey of 899 rural households. We find that widows are about 13 percent more likely to experience pending land conflicts when their parcels are registered under the names of their deceased husbands than when titles are registered under their names.

Promoting Social Inclusion in Urban Areas: Policies and Practices

Reports & Research
сентября, 2005

According to recent UN estimates, 924 million people - nearly one out of three urban dwellers – were living in slums in 2004. Of these, 874 million are from low and middle-income countries (Millennium Project, 2005). Urban poverty as a proportion of total poverty is clearly increasing: 43% of the population of developing cities are living in slums (28% in North Africa, 71% in sub-

The Special Economic Zones Act, 2005

Legislation & Policies
мая, 2005

A special economic zone (SEZ) is an area in which business and trade laws are different from rest of the country. SEZs are located within a country's national borders, and their aims include: increased trade, increased investment, job creation and effective administration. To encourage businesses to set up in the zone, financial policies are introduced.

Land concessions for economic purposes in Cambodia: A human rights perspective

Reports & Research
декабря, 2004

ABSTRACTED FROM THE MISSION STATEMENT: The primary purpose of his mission was for the Special Representative to update himself on the human rights situation in Cambodia for his report to the 61st session of the Commission on Human Rights. He paid particular attention to the management of land and natural resources, the continuing problem of impunity, and to corruption which impacts negatively on the realisation of a range of human rights and distorts the allocation of economic resources so as to further exacerbate existing inequalities.

The emergence and spreading of an improved traditional soil and water conservation practice in Burkina Faso

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2004
Western Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Burkina Faso

"This paper describes the emergence of improved traditional planting pits (zaï) in Burkina Faso in the early 1980s as well as their advantages, disadvantages and impact. The zaï emerged in a context of recurrent droughts and frequent harvest failures, which triggered farmers to start improving this local practice. Despair triggered experimentation and innovation by farmers. These processes were supported and complemented by external intervention. Between 1985 and 2000 substantial public investment has taken place in soil and water conservation (SWC).

Re-encountering resistance: Plantation activism and smallholder production in Thailand and Sarawak, Malaysia

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2004

The emergence of social and environmental movements against plantation forestry in Southeast Asia positions rural development against local displacement and environmental degradation. Multi-scaled NGO networks have been active in promoting the notion that rural people in Southeast Asia uniformly oppose plantation development. There are potential pitfalls in this heightened attention to resistance however, as it has often lapsed into essentialist notions of timeless indigenous agricultural practices, and unproblematic local allegiances to common property and conservation.