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Law on geological exploration.

декабря, 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina

This Law governs: basic and specific administrative and technological conditions and terms related to the geological exploration and related research, including the rules and practices aimed to define the procedure at all stages of execution of geological mansions, general principles of the state interests, activities that use the results of geological research, production and distribution of geological maps, cadastre issues, production and revision of the geological documentation, authorizations/permits, standards for the geological surveys, reporting duties, geological databases, financia

Geospatial Information Law (2009)

декабря, 2009

The purpose of this Law is to specify the institutional system in the field of geospatial information, incorporating the conditions for the preparation, use, exchange and maintenance of geospatial information (including geodetic and cartographic basic data) in order to create an infrastructure for geospatial information in the Republic of Latvia. The Law shall be applied to all natural persons and legal persons, the functions, tasks and activities of which are related to the circulation of geospatial information and joint use and re-use of such information.

Décret n° 2009-1302 du 20 novembre 2009 portant creation et fixant les règles d’organisation et de fonctionnement de l’Agence Nationale de l’Aménagement du Territoire (ANAT).

ноября, 2009

Le présent décret crée l’Agence nationale de l’Aménagement du Territoire (ANAT), ayant pour missions de promouvoir et de mettre en œuvre la politique gouvernementale en matière d’aménagement du territoire, de travaux géographiques et cartographiques et d’amélioration du cadre de vie des populations.

Regulation on the order and method of inventory, studies and carrying out maintenance of the necessary restoration activities on areas with damaged soils.

июля, 2009

This Regulation determines the correct manner and way for conducting inventory and field studies on soils damaged by erosion, acidification, siltation, compacting and reducing of soil organic matter.The Regulation further sets the necessary related restorative measures (soil functions), as well as the maintenance and execution of such activities, that are performed in order to establish the areas with potential and actual risks of soil damage.These survey and additional studies will be carried out by and at the expense of the budget of the Executive Agency for Soil Resources of the Republic

Law No. 693 creating the Centre for Geo-technology, Cartography and Territorial Planning (CGPTERR), as the Decentralized Administrative Unit of the Secretariat of State for Planning and Development (SEPLAN).

декабря, 2008

This Act, consisting of 8 articles, creates the Centre for Geo-technology, Cartography and Territorial Planning (CGPTERR), as the Decentralized Administrative Unit of the Secretariat of State for Planning and Development (SEPLAN). The purpose of the CGPTERR is to coordinate and carry out a systematic mapping of the territory, by supporting the territorial planning activities of the State, and specifically: 1. creation of databases and geo-processed information, in order to articulate and make compatible the various sectoral policies and territorial planning; 2.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Rural Development of the Republic of India on Land Resource Management, Land Administration and Immigrant Resettlement.

International Conventions or Treaties
января, 2008

Both Parties agree to cooperate on land resource management,land administration and immigrant resettlement. The cooperation mentioned in this Memorandum of Understanding may include, but is not limited to, the following areas of common interest:   1. Development, protection, management and utilization of land resources;   2. Land information management, land surveys, cadastre updates, land registration, statistics, valuation, and the application of modern technologies in these areas;   3. Land use planning;   4. Land market, land allocation, relevant laws and regulations;   5.

Law on state survey and real estate cadaster.

мая, 2007

This Law regulates the issues regarding the state survey, the real estate cadastre and the registration of rights real estate, the cadastre of the water supply pipelines, the basic state map and topographic maps, the boundary of the state border and other specific issues of importance for the state survey and cadaster as official state mapping/survey register.The Law is divided into XIX Chapters and 192 articles, including the offences and related penalties (see Chapter XVIII).

Amended by: Law amending the Law on state survey and real estate cadaster. (2011-06-22)

Rural Land Administration and Use System Implementation, Council of Regional Government Regulation No. 51/2007.

мая, 2007

This Regulation concerns rural land management and rights and use of rural land in Amhara National Region. It seeks to create favourable conditions enabling the land administration system to promote long-lasting agricultural development and productivity in the regional state by causing the full implementation of the rights and obligations pertaining to the rural land holders as are stipulated under the Revised Rural Land Administration and Use Determination Proclamation.

Decreto Nº 33797-MJ-MOPT ─ Declara como proyección oficial para la representación cartográfica la Proyección Transversal de Mercator para Costa Rica (CRTM05).

марта, 2007
Costa Rica

El presente Decreto declara como datum horizontal oficial para Costa Rica, el CR05, enlazado al Marco Internacional de Referencia Terrestre (ITRF2000) del Servicio Internacional de Rotación de la Tierra (IERS) para la época de medición 2005.83, asociado al elipsoide del Sistema Geodésico Mundial (WGS84).

Regulation on the inventory and surveys of areas with polluted soil, the necessary restorative measures, as well as the maintenance of implemented restoration measures.

февраля, 2007

This Regulation determines the manner for carrying out the necessary inventory and surveys over the areas (if present on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria) with polluted soil, defining the mandatory restoration measures, including the implementation and maintenance of such restoration measures.These rules will not apply to areas that are covered by programmes for elimination of environmental damage under the terms of other more specific documents (see article 1, paragraph 2).Major purpose of this text is to offer direct provisions aimed to set the inventory and field surveys that sh

Interim Measures for the Administration of the Surveying and Mapping Conducted by Foreign Organizations or Individuals in China (2011).

января, 2007

These Interim Measures, consisting of 22 Articles, are formulated in accordance with the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of China, for the purpose of strengthening the administration of the surveying and mapping activities conducted by foreign organizations or individuals within the territory of the People's Republic of China and other sea areas under its jurisdiction, safeguarding national security and interests, and promoting the economic, scientific and technological exchange and cooperation between China and foreign countries.The administrative department of surveying