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Displaying 193 - 204 of 753

Logistics Development and Trade Facilitation in Lao PDR

марта, 2014

This report is part of a strategy to
promotes trade competitiveness within the East Asia and
Pacific Region. It presents an overview of the logistics
issues facing East Asia countries and proposes a development
agenda for them. Based on the recognition that the
countries have basic differences in their level of
development, extent of openness, and composition of trade,
it begins by discussing the benefits of improved logistics.

Potential Impact of Climate Change on Resilience and Livelihoods in Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems in East Africa

января, 2014

Climate-induced livelihood transitions
in the agricultural systems of Africa are increasingly
likely. A recent study by Jones and Thornton (2009) points
to the possibility of such climate-induced livelihood
transitions in the mixed crop-livestock rainfed
arid-semiarid systems of Africa. These mixed systems cover
over one million square kilometers of farmland in West
Africa, Eastern Africa, and Southeastern Africa. Their

Deforestation Trends in the Congo Basin : Agriculture

января, 2014

The Congo Basin represents 70 percent of
the African continent's forest cover and constitutes a
large portion of Africa's biodiversity. Agricultural
development is a central lever to help people out of
poverty, as well as a key driver of deforestation.
Forest-friendly agricultural development is a challenge for
the region. This report describes some ways forest-friendly
agricultural development can materialize in the Congo Basin.

Comparación de etapas de degradación vegetacional con manejo pecuario utilizando valores bioindicadores de Ellenberg en la Patagonia Chilena

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

En Aisén, Chile, se compararon distintos estadios de degradación antropogénica de la vegetación arbustiva original en una serie de distintos manejos de pastoreo, utilizando los indicadores ecológicos vegetales de Ellenberg para los factores de luz, temperatura del aire y de reacción, nitrógeno y humedad del suelo. El matorral de ñirre primario se consideró como inicio de la serie. Se trabajó con tablas de vegetación separadas para cada estado de degradación.

Loi n°2014-020 relative aux ressources des Collectivités territoriales décentralisées, aux modalités d’élections, ainsi qu’à l’organisation, au fonctionnement et aux attributions de leurs organes.

декабря, 2013

La présente loi comporte trois cent vingt sept (327) articles, et est constituée sept (7) titres, notamment) De la délimitation, de la dénomination et des chefs-lieux des Collectivités territoriales décentralisées (Titre I); Des attributions des organes des Collectivités territoriales décentralisées (Titre II); De l’organisation et du fonctionnement des Collectivités territoriales décentralisées (Titre III); De la responsabilité civile des Collectivités territoriales décentralisées (Titre IV); Du budget et des ressources des Collectivités territoriales décentralisées (Titre V); Des élection

Livestock Sector Strategy 2015-2019.

National Policies
декабря, 2013

To provide a sector-wide framework and a clear road-map for the development of the livestock sector over the upcoming five years, the Ministry of Agriculture issued this Livestock Sector Strategy (LSS) 2015-19, aligned with the National Agriculture Sector Strategy “Resilience and Development” 2014-16.In order to achieve the livestock sector vision - “A sustainable and productive livestock sector that is competitive both locally and externally, enhances food security in Palestine, promotes resilience of Palestinian breeders, and supports economic growth”, 3 strategic objectives were formulat

Optimizing Resource Use and Economics of Crop-Livestock Integration Among Small Farmers in Semiarid Regions of South Africa

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013
South Africa
Southern Africa

The adoption of crop-livestock integration (CLI) among smallholder farmers in the developing countries is no doubt one of the solutions to food security, risk management, and poverty alleviation in sub-Saharan Africa. However, adequate assessment on the current status of CLI becomes necessary for the development and its evolution among smallholder farmers. This article presents a basic and multi-objective linear programming (LP) model to determine enterprise combinations of crop and livestock activities that maximize total gross margin (TGM) among small farms in the Eastern Cape Province.

effectiveness of village bylaws in sustainable management of community-managed exclosures in Northern Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Communities in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, have established exclosures on formerly degraded grazing lands and other land uses to promote natural regeneration of plants. Village bylaws devised by communities govern the management of exclosures. We analysed the effectiveness of village bylaws that are used to manage exclosures in addressing forest degradation, resolving conflicts among users over natural resource use, and meeting high expectations of users to realise economic benefits from exclosures through enhancing revenue from sale of grass and dry wood.

Biohydrologic effects of eastern redcedar encroachment into grassland, Oklahoma, USA

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013
United States of America

Woody encroachment affects the biohydrology of rangelands worldwide and can increase evapotranspiration by increasing plant rooting depth, increasing the duration of the growing season, or by initiating a process of hydrologic recovery in formerly overgrazed landscapes. Eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) is encroaching rapidly into rangelands in the Southern Great Plains of the USA, and beyond, including Oklahoma. However, the degree to which increasing growing season duration causes higher evapotranspiration after encroachment is not known.

Balancing income and cost in red deer management

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

This paper presents a bioeconomic analysis of a red deer population within a Norwegian institutional context. This population is managed by a well-defined manager, typically consisting of many landowners operating in a cooperative manner, with the goal of maximizing the present-value hunting related income while taking browsing and grazing damages into account. The red deer population is structured in five categories of animals (calves, female and male yearlings, adult females and adult males).

Water quality in agricultural lands draining to the Great Barrier Reef: A review of causes, management and priorities

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013
Northern America

The environmental consequences of agriculture are of growing concern. One example of these consequences is the effect of agricultural pollutants on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), a world heritage-listed ecosystem lying off the tropical north-eastern coast of Australia. Pollutants from agricultural lands (fine sediments and attached nitrogen (N) mainly from grazing lands, and dissolved N and pesticides mainly from cropping) in catchments draining into the GBR lagoon threaten the health and resilience of this ecosystem.