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Pastoreo del microzooplancton en la Ensenada de la Paz, B.C.S., México

Journal Articles & Books
июня, 2013

Se analizó el crecimiento de fitoplancton y la tasa de pastoreo del microzooplancton in situ, en una estación fija de muestreo de octubre de 2007 a agosto de 2008, en la Ensenada de La Paz, México, utilizando el método de dilución. La tasa aparente de crecimiento de fitoplancton fue mayor en diciembre con 1,33 d-1 y menor en octubre con 0,35 d-1. La tasa de pastoreo fue máxima en abril con 0,86 d-1 y mínima en febrero y agosto con 0,38 d-1. La presión de pastoreo, medida como el porcentaje de la producción potencial removida (%PPR) fluctuó entre 28 y 76%.

Livestock Development : Implications for Rural Poverty, the Environment, and Global Food Security

июня, 2013

This report provides recommendations on
how to better manage ongoing changes in livestock
development. First, it presents an overview of the main
trends that can be expected to drive the sector over the
next decades. Second it discusses the negative or positive
social, environmental, and health repercussions of those
trends, and the institutional, policy, and technical
requirements needed to manage them. It concludes with a

Fact Finding Mission on the Impact of Wildlife Investment in Pastoralist Areas of Monduli, Simanjiro, Babati and Kondoa

Reports & Research
мая, 2013

This fact finding is the fulfilment of PINGO’s Forum daily activities for inquiring the challenges facing pastoralists communities. In this fact finding, we will look at the impact of wildlife conservations in pastoralists areas. The Wildlife sector has become a threat to livestock sectors by which the wildlife sector is grabbing livestock grazing areas in the name of wild life conservation. In this fact finding we will look at the impact of established Randile Wildlife Management Area (RWMA) into the grazing area of Lolkisale village among other five villages forming the WMA.

Forced Evictions of Pastoralists in Kilombero and Ulanga Disticts in Mgorogoro Region in Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
мая, 2013

Parakuiyo Pastoralists Indigenous Community Development Organization (PAICODEO), PINGOs Forum, Tanzania Land Alliance (TALA), the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) and journalists from ITV, Star TV, Channel 10 and Mwananchi newspaper have conducted a fact finding mission concerning the forced evictions of pastoralists in Kilombero and Ulanga districts in Morogoro region in Tanzania. The fact finding mission was carried out from 12.11 – 15.11 2012. 

Agricultural Sector Risk Assessment in Niger : Moving from Crisis Response to Long-Term Risk Management

апреля, 2013

Niger, owing to its climatic,
institutional, livelihood, economic, and environmental
context, is one of the most vulnerable countries of the
world. Poverty is pervasive in Niger and it ranks low on
almost all the human development indicators. Agriculture is
the most important sector of Niger's economy and
accounts for over 40 percent of national gross domestic
product (GDP) and is the principle source of livelihood for

Guyana : Agricultural Insurance Component Pre-feasibility Study Report

апреля, 2013

The objective of the Agricultural
Insurance pre-feasibility study is to identify the
institutional, operational, technical and financial
challenges for the development of agricultural risk transfer
solutions and insurance for rice, fruit and vegetables,
livestock, and the aquaculture sector in Guyana. The
specific objectives of the study include: (i) to identify
the production systems, constraints and risks faced by

Law No. 951 “On pastures”.

марта, 2013

This Law regulates social relations concerning use of pastures. The principles of use of pastures shall be as follows: (a) efficient and complex management of pastures; (b) protection of pastures and environment; (c) correspondence of national and regional interests; (d) transparency related to the use of pastures; (e) accessibility of pastures to natural and legal persons; and (f) creation of favorable conditions for investments related to improvement of the efficiency of pastures management. All pastures in the Republic of Tajikistan shall be national property.

Intensification of Livestock Production Systems in the North West Region of Cameroon : A South-to-South Collaboration for Technology Transfer, The Tugi Silvopastoral Project

марта, 2013

The Tugi Silvo-pastoral Project (TUSIP)
is a South-South Cooperation between the Tropical
Agriculture Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE)
based in Costa Rica (www.catie.ac.cr) and the Akwi Memorial
Foundation (AMF) based in the North West Region of Cameroon.
The main goal of TUSIP was to assess the environmental
benefits of a set of silvo-pastoral practices and to empower

Improving Household Survey Instruments for Understanding Agricultural Household Adaptation to Climate Change : Water Stress and Variability

марта, 2013

The Living Standards Measurement Study
(LSMS) surveys which have collected information on many
dimensions of household well-being for over 36 countries
since 1980 are one of the most important data sources for
informing policy making on development. The LSMS surveys
have been used to assess household welfare, to understand
household behavior, and to evaluate the welfare impact of
various government policies. These surveys, however, lack

The Livestock and Horticulture Value Chains in Swaziland : Challenges and Opportunities

марта, 2013

The specific objective of this policy
note is to derive insights that can contribute to rapid and
sustainable integration of small-scale farmers into the
livestock and horticulture value chains in Swaziland. It
seeks to do this by identifying constraints that may be
contributing to poor performance in the two value chains,
evaluating technological options that could improve
productivity, and identifying priority areas for future

Rapid Strategic Environmental Assessment of Coffee Sector Reform in Burundi

марта, 2013

A reform in Burundi's coffee sector
is currently under way. Even though the reform was launched
by the government of Burundi in 1992, it was only in 2008
that implementation fully started. The purpose of the reform
is to restructure the coffee sector, focusing on the
following processes: privatization of the industrial units
(especially washing and hulling units), liberalization of
government control among the production and export agencies,

Samoa : Livestock Production and Marketing

марта, 2013

This report was prepared to provide
information and analysis of the Samoan livestock sub-sector
for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries through a
technical assistance assignment financed by the World Bank.
The Word Bank contributed technical assistance support to
the Government of Samoa to help identify measures to
strengthen agriculture sector institutions, to improve the
performance of selected commodities - including in the