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Understanding Resilience in Mongolian Pastoral Social-ecological Systems : Adapting to Disaster Before, During and After 2010 Dzud--Year 1 Report

марта, 2013

This study reports on in-depth case
studies of dzud (extreme cold weather during winter,
subsequent to a very dry summer) impacts and responses.
Focus groups, key informant interviews, a household survey,
and photovoice, were used to document individual and
community experiences with dzud, and identify the factors
that make some households and communities more vulnerable,
and some less vulnerable, to the impacts of dzud, and the

Exploring Options to Institutionalize the Dzud Disaster Response Product in Mongolia

марта, 2013

This study aims to provide the guiding
principles to the government of Mongolia (GOM) towards
creating comprehensive ex-ante risk management strategy
based on the assessment of the pros and cons of historical
approach of livestock risk management as well as best
practices around the world. For instance, it proposes an
option for the National Disaster Indemnification Program
(NDIP) that acts as a state insurance enterprise and

Reforming Administrative Procedures in the Tourism, Food and Road Transportation Sectors in Bulgaria

марта, 2013

The results of the alpha survey on
administrative barriers completed in 2006 indicate that,
notwithstanding recent government reforms to reduce
regulations affecting firms, administrative burdens are
still substantial impediments to doing business. Based on
the survey, the Bulgarian Government has commissioned an
in-depth analysis of the procedure affecting three sectors:
tourism, food, and transport. This report recommends the

Report on the State of Pastoralists´Human Rights in Tanzania

Reports & Research
февраля, 2013

Pastoralists in Tanzania are suffering from many human rights violations, including forced evictions from their lands. This report gives a comprehensive analysis of the human rights situation of indigenous peoples in Tanzania, and documents cases of human rights violations against Maasai pastoralists during 2011. 

The information contained in this report is a result of a comprehensive survey and human rights analysis, which used both primary and secondary data collection methodologies covering a total of 10 districts and 18 villages. 

Priorities for Sustainable Growth : A Strategy for Agriculture Sector Development in Tajikistan, Technical Annex 3. Livestock Sector Review

февраля, 2013

Agriculture sector growth has made a
powerful contribution to post-war economic recovery in
Tajikistan, accounting for approximately one third of
overall economic growth from 1998 to 2004. Sector output
increased by 65 percent in real terms during this period,
and has now returned to the level extant at independence in
1990. Total Factor Productivity (TFP) has also increased, by
3 percent per year. Despite this progress, there is

Technical Assistance to the Agriculture Development Task Force in Afghanistan

февраля, 2013

This report summarizes the main outputs
of the technical assistance provided which was concentrated
in three areas: (1) development of MAIL's strategic
priorities and investments for the immediate future/short
term, medium term and longer term; (2) advising Ministry of
Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) regarding the
design of an appropriate structure of the Ministry and
definition of corresponding responsibilities; (3)

Mission Note Bangladesh, March 15-31, 2009

февраля, 2013

The Government of Bangladesh has
requested the World Bank to provide further assistance to
the livestock and dairy sectors. During a mission of the
Sector Manager of Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) of
the South Asia region of the World Bank to Bangladesh in
November 2008, the Secretary of the Ministry of Livestock
and Fisheries (MOFL) of the former Caretaker Government of
Bangladesh (BD) requested the Sector Manager for assistance

Eviction of Pastoralists from Kilombero and Rufiji Valleys, Tanzania

Reports & Research
января, 2013

This report springs from series of field visits.Its aim was, among others, to examine further the extent of human rights violations suffered by pastoralists in Kilombero and Rufiji valley during the evictions. It additionally makes recommendations including the need for lobbying against the State’s contempt of court orders

Efectos y respuestas al pastoreo selectivo doméstico sobre plantas, poblaciones y ecosistemas pastoriles áridos

Reports & Research
декабря, 2012

Los ecosistemas pastoriles del mundo se caracterizan por algún grado de aridez y pastoreo por grandes herbívoros, que por su biomasa por área y los efectos de su actividad pueden ser consideradas especies ingenieras del ecosistema. El objetivo de esta Tesis fue estudiar el efecto del manejo del pastoreo ovino sobre distintos niveles jerárquicos de organización de la vegetación en estepas áridas de la Patagonia, desde plantas hasta ecosistemas/comunidades pasando por poblaciones.

Updated Rangeland Strategy for Jordan 2013 - 2014

National Policies
декабря, 2012

Aiming at the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Rangelands, as announced in the Vision, the Jordan Government has elaborated the National Rangeland Strategy, updating the strategy developed in 2001, to be implemented within maximum 5 years. The overall goal is to support and develop the rangelands sector and enhance the integrative role of concerned parties and participation of local communities in natural resources management.

Canopy disturbance alters competitive outcomes between two brackish marsh plant species

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2012

The effect of canopy removal, a form of non-lethal disturbance, was assessed for the interaction between two co-occurring American East Coast salt marsh angiosperms, Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volkart ex Schinz and R. Keller and Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene, in a greenhouse replacement series experiment. In mixture, aboveground production of S. americanus was significantly higher than production of D. spicata. When plant canopy was experimentally removed, this difference was stronger (366±35gm⁻² vs. 139±41gm⁻²; P=0.0033) than when it was left intact (383±44gm⁻² vs.