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PRONEA- Progeama Nacional de Educação Ambiental

Journal Articles & Books
мая, 2014

A Educação Ambiental surge como política pública no
Brasil com o estabelecimento da Política Nacional
de Meio Ambiente – PNMA (Lei nº 6.938, de 1981),
no contexto da Conferência Intergovernamental de Educação Ambiental de Tbilisi (1977), que destacou o processo educativo como dinâmico, integrativo, permanente e transformador, justamente porque possibilita a aquisição de conhecimentos e habilidades de forma participativa. Desde então, outros marcos legais foram estabelecidos.

O impacto da exploração florestal no desenvolvimento das comunidades locais nas áreas de exploração dos recursos faunísticos na província de Nampula

Reports & Research
мая, 2014

A província nortenha de Nampula é rica em recursos naturais, com especial enfoque para os recursos florestais, explorados há vários anos por operadores nacionais e estrangeiros. Ao abrigo do quadro jurídico-legal sobre as florestas, deu-se início, a partir de 2005, a implementação da obrigação de canalização de 20% das taxas de exploração florestal e faunística, para as comunidades locais das áreas de exploração dos recursos naturais.

Greenhouse Gas Analysis at the World Bank

мая, 2014

This report builds on reviews of
available methodologies, tools, and practices for greenhouse
gas (GHG) analysis, and summarizes the outcomes of pilot
studies. It discusses the issues and challenges associated
with GHG analysis for energy, transport and forestry
projects such as setting project boundaries and accounting
for indirect emissions. To do this it draws on existing
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Carbon Livelihoods : Social Opportunities and Risks of Carbon Finance

мая, 2014

Global concerns about climate change
have led to the development of new market based mechanisms
aimed at reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases
(GHGs) in the atmosphere. These carbon trading schemes
enable countries or entities within countries to trade
'carbon credits' in order to increase the economic
efficiency of transitioning to a low carbon economy. A
sub-set of these markets involve the generation of carbon

Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, and Climate Change : The Economic Problem

мая, 2014

Climate change is both a cause and an
effect of biodiversity change. Along with anthropogenic
dispersion, climate change is the main driver of change in
the geographical distribution of both beneficial and harmful
species, crops, livestock, harvested wild species, pests,
predators and pathogens. And the capacity of ecosystems to
adapt to climate change depends on the diversity of species
they currently support. This paper considers the connection

Measuring Up : New Directions for Environmental Programs at the World Bank

мая, 2014

The World Bank's new environment
strategy advocates cost-effective reduction of air and water
pollutants that are most harmful to human health. In
addition, it addresses threats to the livelihood of over one
billion people who live on fragile lands-lands that are
steeply sloped, arid, or covered by natural forests. The new
approach will require accurate information about
environmental threats to health and livelihood, as well as

Hunting of Wildlife in Tropical Forests : Implications for Biodiversity and Forest Peoples

мая, 2014

The study addresses the importance of
wildlife to people, and as a resource of nutritional,
economic, and socio-cultural values, and examines the
complexities of hunting in tropical forests. It also
expresses that today, such hunting is rarely sustainable,
because of declining forest areas, which decreases wildlife
populations; because of changes among human populations in
the tropical forests, who have increasingly become more

Impact of Costa Rica's Program of Payments for Environmental Services on Land Use

апреля, 2014

Costa Rica's Program of Payments
for Environmental Services (Pago de Servicios Ambientales,
PSA) provides a unique opportunity to evaluate direct
payments as a conservation policy tool. This paper reports
evidence on how much more forest has been conserved in Costa
Rica as a result of PSA contracts with landowners. Such
evidence requires estimating a counterfactual outcome: how
much forest would have been preserved if there had been no

Brazil's Experience with Payments for Environmental Services

апреля, 2014

Since 2006, there has been an explosion
of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) projects in
Brazil, as well as efforts to pass PES laws at federal,
state, and municipal levels. Even in this short period, an
extraordinarily rich range of experiences has developed,
with examples of the application of PES at a variety of
scales, ranging from microwatersheds to entire states; in a
variety of contexts, from remote forest frontier areas to

Implementation of REDD+ Mechanisms in Tanzania

апреля, 2014

This paper explains the major issues and
lessons derived from the national forest management program
and REDD+ initiatives in Tanzania. It finds that addressing
the most important drivers of forest degradation and
deforestation, in particular the country energy needs and
landownership, is essential for success in reducing
emissions regardless of the type of program implemented. It
also finds that, through the national program, forest users

Incentive Contracts for Environmental Services and Their Potential in REDD

апреля, 2014

Implementation arrangements for Reducing
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation can be seen as contracts that could address some
of the inherent problems with forest carbon credits that
often lead to high transaction costs -- measuring,
monitoring, and verification. Self-enforcing contracts,
where it is in the best interest of the environmental
service providers to comply with the contracts, may be one

Decision No. 512/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Cao Bang province through 2020, with a vision toward 2025.

апреля, 2014

This Decision approves the master plan on socio-economic development of Cao Bang province through 2020, with a vision toward 2025 (below referred to as the master plan) with the following principal contents: 1. The master plan on socio-economic development of Cao Bang province through 2020, with a vision toward 2025 must conform to the national socio-economic development strategy, the master plan on socio-economic development in the northern midland and mountainous region and ensure consistency with the sectoral development master plans. 2.