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Loi-cadre nº 94-018 relative à l'environnement.

июня, 1994

Cette loi porte régime de base en matière d'environnement. Elle vise, notamment, à: préserver la diversité et l'intégrité de l'environnement; créer les conditions d'une utilisation quantitativement et qualitativement durable des ressources naturelles; garantir à tous les citoyens un cadre de vie écologiquement sain et équilibré. Les citoyens sont tenus à participer collectivement pour la sauvegarde de l'environnement.

Decreto Nº 2.212 - Normas sobre Movimientos de Tierra y Conservación Ambiental.

апреля, 1992

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto establecer las condiciones bajo las cuales se realizarán las actividades de deforestación, movimientos de tierra, estabilización de taludes, arborización de áreas verdes y todo lo relacionado con la protección de los suelos. Las presentes normas se aplican a los aprovechamientos de terrenos que requieran alteración de la topografía a través de movimientos de tierra, mediante deforestación, remoción de la vegetación, excavación, nivelación y relleno.

Land Integration Act.

февраля, 1982
Eastern Europe

The present Act, which is composed of 35 Paragraphs, has been adopted to ensure the development of agriculture and forestry by improving the area structure of farms, forests and forest lands, and by adapting borders of immovable properties to the system of water drainage, roads and terrain features. Integration applies to lands placed in one or several villages or their parts. However, it does not apply to lands where mining or industrial plants, historic or architectural monuments, sanctuaries, lands used for fishery or allocated for special purposes exist.

Act on improvement of agricultural structure and coast protection.

сентября, 1969

According to article 91a, paragraph 1, of the German Constitution (Grundgesetz) measures on the improvement of production methods, working conditions, management and in general in the agricultural, fishery, forestry and water sector shall be taken with the agreement of regional governments. For this purpose a common frame work is devised and every year within the 1 March the Länder submit a general working plan to the Federal Minister for Nutrition, Agriculture and Forestry for approvement within the said frame work. The Act consists of 14 articles.

Preservation of Farm and Forest Lands (Code of Virginia: Title 3.2. Agriculture, Animal Care, and Food; Chapter 2; secs. 3.2-200 through 3.2-206)

декабря, 1949
United States of America

This Chapter of the Code of Virginia provides for the preservation of farm and forest lands in Virginia. It establishes the Office of Farmland Preservation as a continuation of the Agricultural Vitality Program within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services of Virginia.

Circular Concerning Joint Forest Management (No. 6-21/89-P.P).

Southern Asia

This Circular of the Department of Environment, Forests and Wildlife to Forest Secretaries of all States and other territories concerns the involvement of village communities and voluntary agencies for regeneration of degraded forest lands. The National Forest Policy envisages it as one of the essentials of forest management that the forest communities should be motivated to identify themselves with the development and protection of forests from which they derive benefits.

Amendment of the Law on Protection and Utilization of Forests and Range Lands.

Western Asia
Southern Asia

Note7: This note indicates that Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture shall issue permits for any exploitation of natural dense forests and rangelands. Priority, on the basis of technical guidelines, shall be granted to those individuals in possession of livestock grazing permits and those using Forests and Rangelands in each region. The Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture shall fix yearly the basic price for forests and rangeland derived products.

Joint Circular No. 109/2000/TTLT/BNN-BTC guiding the implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 187/1999/QD-TTg on the renewal of the organisation and managerial mechanism at the State forestry farms.

South-Eastern Asia

This Circular concerns the functioning and internal organization of State enterprises that have been allocated by the competent State bodies forests and forestry land for forest industry purposes and of business companies in which "dependent cost-accounting State forestry farms" participate. The second part of this Circular concerns the reorganization of State forestry farms so as to operate them in a more commercial manner. Part 3 concerns allocation of land and forests to State forestry farms.

Programme d’Action National de Lutte Contre la Désertification (PAN/LCD) Juin 2006.

National Policies
Western Africa

Confrontée à une dégradation croissante et accélérée de ses principales ressources naturelles, la Guinée a adopté en juin 2006, le Programme d’action National de Lutte Contre la Désertification (PAN/LCD) qui constitue un cadre de référence devant désormais guider les actions de l’Etat, des acteurs non gouvernementaux et des partenaires au développement en matière de lutte contre la dégradation des terres et la déforestation.