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Joint Regulation of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Federal Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey regarding the modalities of issuing licences for the exposure of degraded and contaminated soil.

Eastern Europe

In accordance with this Regulation the licensed activity is sub-divided in two groups: a) inspection of agricultural land for the purpose of the exposure of the eroded, saline, swamped soils; desertified soils, sedimentary soils, as a result of mining, reindeer pastures with the soil and vegetation damaged; b) soils contaminated by industrial waste and nuclear substances. The Regulation consists of 4 Sections. Section 1 lays down the general provisions. Section 2 establishes the modalities of issuing licences. Section 3 determines the rights and the duties of the holders of licence.

Regulations of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on land management.

Eastern Asia

These Regulations are formulated in order to improve the management of land in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, to exploit its resources and to implement rational utilisation of the land. The Special Zone shall practice a system of "compensatory usage" and "compensatory assignment" of State owned land. A land user unit or individual shall be responsible for the protection, management and rational use of land allocated for its usage (art. 2).

Regulations on land-use management for foreign investment enterprises in Jiangsu province.

Eastern Asia

The present Regulations are made so as to enhance the management of land use by the equity or non-equity joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises and to encourage foreign investment in the province. The location and limits of the site chosen by a foreign investment enterprise shall be subject to confirmation by local planning authorities. Procedures for the assignment initiate with an application for assignment by the foreign investment entity.

Decreto Nº 126/992 - Créase la Comisión Nacional Honoraria de Conservación de Suelos y Aguas.

South America

Mediante este Decreto se crea la Comisión Nacional Honoraria de Conservación de Suelos y Aguas, organismo de integración mixta cuya misión es concretar el esfuerzo privado y público en la conservación de los suelos y las aguas con fines agropecuarios.

Implementa: Ley Nº 15.239 - Declara de interés nacional el uso y la conservación de los suelos y de las aguas superficiales destinadas a fines agropecuarios. (1981-12-23)

Cabinet Order for the implementation of the agricultural land soil pollution prevention Law, Cabinet Order No. 204 of 1971, amended by Cabinet Order No. 219 of 1971 and No. 375 of 1972, No. 103 of 1975.)

Eastern Asia

Article 1 establishes the harmful substances stated in Article 2 of the Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law. Article 2 sets out the requirements to be fulfilled for the designation of an agricultural land soil pollution policy area. (2 Articles)

Implements: Act to Prevent Soil Contamination on Agricultural Land (No. 139 of 1970). (2011)

Interim Guidelines on Agricultural land Use Conversion (Administrative Order No. 20 of 1992).

South-Eastern Asia

Pending adoption of comprehensive guidelines on land conversion to implement section 20 of the Local Government Code which gives powers to local government units to reclassify agricultural land in circumstance where such land ceases to be viable for agricultural purposes, these guidelines regulate place restrictions on conversion of agricultural lands. All irrigated land for cultivation and all land within areas programmed for irrigation facility rehabilitation by the Department of Agriculture and the National Irrigation Administration shall not be subject to conversion.

Real Decreto Nº 3.288/1978 - Reglamento de Gestión Urbanística para el desarrollo y aplicación de la Ley sobre el régimen del suelo y ordenación urbana.

Southern Europe

El presente Real Decreto aprueba el Reglamento de Gestión Urbanística para el desarrollo y aplicación de la Ley sobre régimen del suelo y ordenación urbana, que dispone que la ejecución del planeamiento urbanístico corresponde, dentro de sus respectivas esferas de actuación, a la administración del Estado, a las entidades locales, a las entidades urbanísticas especiales y a los particulares.

Decreto Nº 681/81 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 22.428, Régimen legal para el fomento de la acción privada y pública tendiente a la conservación y recuperación de la capacidad productiva de los suelos.

South America

El Decreto, que consta de 29 artículos, implementa la Ley Nº 22.428, de 11 marzo 1981, por la cual se dictan normas para fomentar la aplicación de prácticas conservacionistas del manejo de los suelos por los productores agropecuarios.

Decree No. 11/91 regulating the Regional Management Plan for Algarve (PROT-Algarve).

Southern Europe

This Decree regulates the Regional Management Plan for Algarve (PROT-Algarve). It consists of 6 chapters and 1 table establishing the objectives of the said Plan, which shall be drawn-up in order to: a) establish a strategy for the natural resource development and explotation within this area; b) protect and valorize the Region of Algarve; c) regulate soil use and transformation in order to develop the potentialities of this coastal area; d) preserve natural heritage; e) enforce regional plans for land management; f) enforce regional projects, etc.

Decree No. 11.376 creating the Commitee for Coastal Zone Protection - CODEL within the State of Rio de Janeiro.

South America

This Decree creates the Commitee for Coastal Zone Protection - CODEL within the State of Rio de Janeiro. It consists of 8 articles concerning composition, competencies and duties of the aforementioned environmental Institution, uder the Ministry of Environment, entitled to carry out controls and to manage coastal zones within the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Decree No. 26 on the National Land Affairs Agency.

South-Eastern Asia

This Decree has been enacted in order (i) to control the utilization of land in general; (ii) to settle the problems in the field of land affairs; and (iii) to review the position, tasks, and functions of the Directorate General of Agrarian Affairs, and to upgrade it to an institution which handles land affairs on a national level: the National Land Affairs Agency. This is a non-departmental government institution which is positioned under the President of the Republic.

Decreto Nº 118/1973 - Ley de reforma y desarrollo agrario.

Southern Europe

La Ley consta de 4 libros, 292 artículos, 9 disposiciones finales, 15 transitorias y 1 derogatoria. INDICE: Libro I - Normas Orgánicas: Instituto Nacional de Reforma y Desarrollo Agrario (I); Consejo del Instituto (II); Jurado de fincas mejorables (III); Comisiones locales de concentración parcelaria (IV); Juntas provinciales, comarcales y locales (V).